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Gimme your thoughts on these LOST screenshots..seas finale!?


btw, did anyone else think that was an awfully small coffin??

Update 2:

**sadly Charlie HAD to die, I know we were all wishing just swim! But Desmond said he had to die in order for them to be saved!! And, I an starting to think it was someone off the island who died as well, perhaps someone who "rescued" them.. :)

3 Answers

  • Heidi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    That site freaking rocks, I will tell you ever since 11 pm last night I have been either talking, thinking, or looking up stuff about Lost. I'm on a forum, and a lot of people brought up the theory that it could be someone we haven't even MET yet. *shakes head* I'm friggin shocked though. I was spoiled and watched Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD ... now there's a REALLY long wait until next season T_T

    Lost is the only TV show EVER I've watched every single night it is on. I love it O_O

  • 1 decade ago

    wow, lots of great shots!

    first, coffin: yeah it was small, but it says "a man died" in the obit that Jack is holding. So the way the series is going, it isn't Walt. Who is small of frame? It isn't Sawyer. He is about equal in height to Jack. Might be Ben. He is a small little rat. Can't be Locke. He is pretty tall too. Not as tall as Jack, but not as small as that coffin is. It wasn't an upscale neighborhood for the funeral home, so it can't be anyone with bucks who died. Ben's mother and father had any money? I don't think there was a lot. Roger was complaining at one point to the head guy at Dharma that he wants 30,000 more if he has to do what he is doing. Acc. to the plot, he was a cleanup guy. But what did he really clean up? Janitors getting that much money in those days for cleaning up on an island? Doesn't mesh right.

    Jack has all those maps all over the place. He wants to go back because Ben told him it would be all messed up if they were rescued. Don't understand why they have to stay there though. Are they learning something, like the polar bears were learning how to get food by pushing certain levers together?

    If our little buddy with the eyepatch blew up the underground station, then why can't Charlie swim through the hole the explosion made? He is supposed to be this major swimming guy. I don't think he is dead, just sort of resigned for a moment to what he thinks is is fate so Claire and the little one can be saved.

    so many questions. Locke keeps messing it up for everybody. Is it to keep himself whole on the island, or is it for the good of them all? He might be really a good guy, but boy they sure paint him badder and badder.

  • Terri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree that the coffin was really small, which is why I don't think that it is anyone we've met yet (or at least an adult or Walt).

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