Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

How does Answers work?

Yahoo Answers is a place where people ask each other questions on any topic, and get answers by sharing facts, opinions and personal experiences.


Asking is easy. Ask a question on any topic that matters to you, so that other people can give you answers.

  • Categorise

    When asking a question, you categorise it in a topic, making it easier for others to find and answer it.

  • Select the best answer

    Once your question has been answered, you need to wait 1 hour before you can pick a best answer.


Got an answer to a question? Share what you know and make someone's day.

  • Categories

    Use the category list on the left-hand side of each page to find open questions related to the topic you know about.

  • Search

    You can also use the search box on the left-hand side of each page to locate questions and answers related to specific words and phrases.

  • Favourite answer

    Your answer to a question may be chosen as the best one, giving you extra points, and an excuse to call your mum!


Browse answered questions and tap into the wealth of ideas and experiences that people have shared.

  • Category list

    Use the category list on the left-hand side of each page to browse through the questions and answers on the topics that interest you.

  • Search

    You can also use the search box on the left-hand side of each page to locate questions and answers related to specific words and phrases.