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Favourite answers67%
  • How much is enough for a down payment to shave a few thousand off a car?

    I'm planning to buy a used vehicle. I'm currently looking at one costing $22,900. I would ideally like pay $19,000 after tax included (so I would have to get it down to 17ish before tax.) I've never bought a vehicle from a dealership so I have no idea how much dealers can cut off the lot price on a used vehicle. I know trying shave off 5 grand is a long shot but I'm willing to pay around $20,500 after tax for the car. I planned to finance for 48 months on the vehicle for the rest of the amount so they'll make some money off me from that. I've currently got 5 grand for a down payment but am I gonna need a few more thousand to be looked at seriously?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • If I've only been around smokers, can I pass a hair analysis test?

    I know the hair analysis drug tests go back about 3 months and that they only look for the drug you actually inhale. I don't smoke but once and a while are around people that are smoking, and about 4 months ago I did one line of coke. Are the chances I pass the test good? Does it really just look for excessive use?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How should I do my role-play for claims at Geico?

    I've been in the interview process with Geico for a few weeks now. I did the role-playing exercise for the sales the position the other day, but they're asking me to come do the role-playing for claims tomorrow. Now it's understandable how to role-play a sales call, telling them about the product, prices what have you, but how will the role-play for the claims phone call work? Need some little tips to prepare myself.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago