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  • Help me relive my youth - French/Belgian comic sought?

    Many, many years ago, when I was very small I got my hands on a couple of comic books. They were by either a Belgian or French illustrator and were about a group of airforce/army personnel who came into contact with something that made them, and their equipment very small. My memory might be a bit faulty, but I seem to recall them setting up home inside a tree trunk.

    I loved the books so much that I wore them out. I've since searched thoroughly, but haven't been able to find a thing out about them. The books were written in the 1970s, and the aircraft used in it were French, either Mirages or Super Etendards. Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • I'm confused - why so many non-Holden questions here in the Holden section?

    As per the title - I look in the Holden section and see umpteen questions about cars, but very few of them Holdens. For example - in the top ten list I see questions about Oldsmobiles, GMC Denalis, Jimmys, Envoys and Yukons, a Silverado, Vauxhall Corsas and Cadilacs.

    Now, while I'm sure they're all fine vehicles, none are Holdens, and the Holden section is always like this. None of the other sections dedicated to a particular make seems to be such a magnet for random questions. What could be the attraction?

    2 AnswersHolden1 decade ago
  • Australians only - speed limits in school zone during the holidays?

    I pass through a school zone every day. The speed limit in it is 40km/h during school hours.

    As it is the school holidays right now, and therefore technically not 'school hours', does the limit still apply?

    10 AnswersSafety1 decade ago