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  • why the countries that say about freedom they boycott innocent people?

    IRAN, some countries have problem with Government but they boycott people except Government

    for ex : ((( 'free' means US don't boycott them)))

    we are free in Communications ( like cell phone and etc ) we can buy Apple or Windows but they don't support

    we are free in Drugs ( but if you want buy a drugs for curing blood pressure u find it hardly and too much expensive or cancer or etc . )

    Facebook and Youtube is free because of sending video and info. to out of Iran But google earth and google drive don't work

    In one side president Obama say happy New year for people of Iran and on another way ................???


    1 AnswerPolitics7 years ago
  • only shia and sunni answer it ?

    in the name of God

    **At first answer it : do you read koran: (3:103) and (3:105)

    then answer to it :


    why shia and sunni?

    can you understand that your prophet ,and God , have asked you to remain one ummah!while both knew what laid ahead... , can you dedicate your lives to such a request?can you respect each other , and overcome your differences ,to remain one ummah? That is the test! overcoming the differences,and uniting under the similarities

    both of them prayer one God in a one way and one book(koran) and say the last prophet is Mohammad then we make fight between sunni and shia , when we have the same things

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago