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I don't think of myself as an old man but, I guess I am. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses who because of a bad heart, can't go out to witness any more. So, I sit out in the middle of the pine trees. Just me and a senegal parrot named Stevie.
Approved violence?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoI would like to ask why this question has remained for 2 weeks after it was deleted?
I would like all Jehovah's Witnesses on here to do this..and other people that have questions..?
6 Stars
In Religion & Spirituality -
Asked by 9th Grader -
0 answers -
2 weeks ago"
It is still up in the suggested questions after I answer a question.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoActress, Jamie Chung. Will she ever make it alive until the end of a movie?
Jamie Chung is a beautiful actress in mostly slasher movies. In all of them I have seen, she never makes it alive until the end credits. I am half watching this late night movie where everybody is getting hacked to death. She is not dead yet, so I began to wonder if she might make it through. Possibly get better roles? I would like to see that. Would anyone else?
3 AnswersMovies10 years agoWhy does R&S continue putting up deleted questions?
Once you answer a question, two topical questions appear above the main page of the question you just answered. For 4 days now, a deleted question still is there. Now a 2nd has joined it. Would anyone happen to know why when a question is deleted, it does not go away?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHELP! Senegal in Trouble!?
My parrot, 25yrs., got caught in a mouse glue trap yesterday. When I found her, it was attached to her right wing as she tried to climb her cage. Severe trauma, loss of round patch of chest feathers, tail feathers, and some right wing feathers resulted. She has weakness, loss of appetite and will not let anyone near her, not even my aunt whom she is normally excited to see. The nearest vet is 80 miles away and due to illness, both the bird and I are unable to travel.
I need good advice in a hurry.
10 AnswersBirds1 decade agoWhy have not any terrorist bombers simply asked....?
if dying is so great to get to heaven, why don't the very religious teachers and leaders strap one on themselves?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago