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Lv 43,507 points


Favourite answers15%

No thats not me on my avatar,its a art work from one of my favorite artist:)Hmm...I'm only on Y!A to have fun with all the questionaires that are being ask.Im a polynesian female with a brain to match my witty mouth.I have strong emotions just like all of you. Favorite ♥Color:Green/Black ♥Console's:Wii/360X ♥Candy:Peanut Butter Cup ♥Hobbie:Photos,Drawing and Writing Goals: •Complete my novel. •Draw the best dang Anime. •Make the best vector art using Photoshop. Thats just a taste of things that I like & trying to achieve in my little life.Please email me if you thinking of being one of my contacts. I'm just on the net for friends,well those who I consider"close internet"friends. ☺Dont add if your going to be an a$$ ☺

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