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Could somebody please help with some conflicting claims about the Bible?
I have heard from Christians on here that all animals on Earth were herbivores before the Original Sin brought evil (and apparently carnivory) into the world. I have also heard that, prior to the fall, God gave us dominion over the animals for use as, amongst other things, food.
Was that dominion given before or after the Original Sin? How does that work?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoAnybody out there driving the Chery J3?
They've just become available in this country and I'm wondering if they're any good. Any feedback greatly appreciated.
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation6 years agoDoes anybody actually take Anonymous avatars seriously?
Sure, there are situations where an Anonymous avatar is justified, but when I see one in R&S I automatically think troll (and, judging by the “questions”, not without justification). What’s your take on the Anonymous Infestation?
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoChristians, what do you think Gandhi meant?
when he (allegedly) said "I like your Christ but I do not like your Christians"?
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoWhen theists say that their deity is not part of the physical world and therefore we can't expect scientific evidence of its existence...?
What are they basing this claim on? Is there evidence to support their statement, or is it just personal belief/apologetics?
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoIf the evils of this world are the result of the Original Sin, does that mean that before the Fall the world was perfect?
If so, what made Eden a "paradise" in comparison?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoAssuming creation is true, how do you, as a creationist, know that it was the work of your particular deity?
Many religions have creation myths associated with a creator deity or deities. Please explain why creation could only have been the work of your deity of choice.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoWhat differentiates genetic drift from other mutations?
1 AnswerBiology6 years agoIf the Original Sin led to all of the unpleasant things we see around us (as was claimed in a recent question)...?
then why was Eden considered a Paradise? This suggests that conditions outside of Eden were less than perfect, meaning that unpleasant conditions existed before the original sin... So how does that work?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoWhat do you think should be carved above the doors of Religion and Spirituality?
I used to think it should be "Abandon hope all ye who enter here", but that's kinda depressing. Any other ideas?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoI have a question about the afterlife. Could somebody please clarify?
Is there just one Beer Volcano and Stripper Factory? Or is it plural?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoCould I have some help with Biblical definitions please?
It's just that people keep telling me to repent... but I'm not even sure if I've pented already. Is it possible to repent without penting first?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoDoesn't Christianity come across as a particularly self-indulgent religion?
My deity of choice loves ME, not you. I'M going to heaven, and you're not. Is Christianity just a way to feel special about yourself?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoReligiously speaking... why did God?
dictate the Bible in Elizabethan English?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoIs there any way to change the default order that answers are listed?
This "Relevance" setting is ridiculous. It doesn't work; perfectly legitimate answers are being hidden.
3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years agoDoes your deity of choice feature in's Holy Hit Parade today?
Plenty of Greek deities made the list.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoDo humans show more compassion than the Christian deity?
Many of us own pets. Our pets are sometimes naughty and disobedient but most of us wouldn't even think of abusing them for that. Few of us would want them to be tortured for eternity. Our society punishes those who abuse pets. Could God take a few pointers on compassion from us?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoIs your deity of choice mentioned...?'s Holy Hit Parade for today?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat exactly is this "controversy" that the creationists want to be taught in schools?
I'm just not seeing a "controversy". Evolution is supported by evidence, ID... well, just isn't. Right?
22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat happens to gods that nobody loves any more?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago