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I am a happy yet occasionally rebellious 17 year old. I am neither liberal nor conservative as I understand the need for both parties. I am a Christian. I can be your best friend or worst enemy. Whichever you like. lol "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others"-Animal Farm
How do customers justify their actions?
First off, I want to say that I'm not suicidal so you don't need to pretend to care in order to gain some fake, self-serving sense of altruism. I also want to say that this is not me venting and I am not trying to make anyone feel bad. This is a legitimate question. I work at a customer service call center for a pet supply manufacturer. I have had many customer service call center jobs and am never rude to customers. No one I have ever worked with has been rude to customers. However, customers do not seem to have much of an issue with telling us that we suck, that we, as individuals, have made terrible policies that are causing their pets grief, that we should commit suicide, talking down to us, and overall treating us like we are mere things programmed to serve their every whim. I have seen co-workers of mine, who have been dealing with this abuse for years, have emotional breakdowns. In fact, two of them did commit suicide after being asked to do so for the 100th time by customers. That brings me to the point of my question. If you are one of the customers that behaves this way, please tell me how you justify your actions. I am not trying to make you re-evaluate your life. I have just been curious about this for some time and decided to actually ask.
3 AnswersPsychology4 years agoWhat is a good gift for a pegasister?
At work, we are doing a secret santa and the person I chose is a pegasister and only wants My Little Pony things. Her dek is already littered with stuff, toys etc. What can I get her?
2 AnswersToys5 years agoWhat would happen in this situation?
Imagine a physically abusive relationship. The very first time the victim is hit, he or she gets right up in the abuser's face and explodes. He or she screams and threatens that if the abuser lays a finger on them again, the abuser is going to get killed.
How do you think the abuser would react? Would this be effective?
7 AnswersMartial Arts6 years agoWhat is the name of this cartoon series?
It involved a bunch of little kids, I think at a Catholic school, and their nun. The introduction involved the kids singing something like "we smile at the good and frown at the bad". I think there might have been a live action movie based on the series too.
1 AnswerComics & Animation6 years agoMy girlfriend s views on homosexuality are causing a stir in my family. What do I do?
My girlfriend and I are both Christians. She views homosexuality as a sin and I do not. My mother believes she is a bigot and now hates her. I love my girlfriend very much and I know she is not against gay people. She simply believes it is a sin covered by Christ and that is all. To make matters worse, my sister is gay. What do I do in this situation?
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoWhy do people say "your" when addressing something that belongs to a company?
For example, I work at the American Red Cross in the call center. My job is to call blood donors to schedule future blood donations. Mostly every day, a donor will ask if the available blood drives are available on my website. First of all, I do not have a website and even if I did, why would I have available blood drives listed on it??? Can someone make sense of this to me?
Okay, I know that they are asking about the American Red Cross' website. My main question is how come instead of asking if they can use the American Red Cross' website, they ask "can I use your website" as if I am the American Red Cross. No, I do not represent the company regardless of whatever ideas society has convinced you of. Thanks.
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoHow do I contact LucasArts or Disney?
I want to make sure they do not lose any serious Star Wars fans. They have made some bad decisions and I have some ideas that might save them from more lost fans. Thanks!
2 AnswersMovies6 years agoChristians, why do other religions exist?
This is just an honest question. I want to know your opinion on this topic. Do not make the mistake of falsely accusing me of being an atheist or of trying to challenge you. This is just a question. Only answers will be accepted.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoWhat are logical explanations for bigfoot noises?
Woops are the most common. In some areas, people hear howls in places where wolves and howling animals don't live. So how do people who don't believe in these things explain these noises? I'm not saying I believe in them, I'm just asking.
5 AnswersMythology & Folklore6 years agoHow do I convert a .rtf file with attachments to a .doc file?
I'm surprised no one online has answered this question yet. For one of my online classes, I need to upload all assignments as .doc files. However, I have a MacBook Pro that has the default of .rtf. I know that I can change the format to .doc on normal files, but for some reason I can't do that if the file has pictures in it. On the assignment I am trying to upload, I have to put in screenshots. I have done so and even changed the format before inserting the screenshots, but it always goes back to .rtf. I've used Save As but there is no option for changing it to a word format. I need to do this. Someone please tell me how. The assignment must be uploaded ASAP.
2 AnswersSoftware6 years agoI love Jesus and Christians hate me?
I recently started a blog and added a Facebook page to it. The posts in this blog are often meant to tear down the walls that the religious right have set up and I do so by using facts. I also love Jesus very much and came to accept Jesus as God through facts found in one of Paul's letters. Before you jump the gun, this letter has been confirmed by the scholarly community as authentic and has been confirmed to have been written by Paul. I looked at the letter, as most should, as a document. Not part of a book, but a separate document written by Paul. The messages I give often do fight directly against traditional beliefs and homophobic ideas by using the documents included in the Bible, not from a biblical sense from the perspective of them being documents. These messages have enraged a lot of the Christian community and I have been called a heretic and told I will go to hell for trying to break down walls and show people love and give them hope. Can someone explain to me why the hell this is happening?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoI have terrible credit and no money. What do I do?
I am in a terrible financial situation. We moved to Arizona to seed employment with my cousin but that backfired. Fortunately, our house did not sell but we both were unemployed. My wife got 5 credit cards and maxed them all out. I have only a part time job making very little money and I am afraid we will lose our house because we do not have the money to pay all of our bills. It has been 5 years since the Arizona incident and I am very worried. What do I do?
2 AnswersCredit6 years agoIs it okay for me to hate being a white, American man?
This is probably going to sound like satire to most people, but I'm being completely honest. I am 20 years old and I hate being white. I know there is a violent and racist history associated with white people. I hate being part of a race that has done so many terrible things. Not to mention that being white comes from a lack of melanin, so I also feel inferior to others because I'm white.
I also hate being American because of the negative stereotypes of Americans being uneducated, stupid, uncultured, fat, and lazy. Not to mention the terrible things Americans have done in the past and continue to do to this day.
And, believe it or not, I also hate being a man. No, I am not gay. I'm engaged to a lady. I just despise the domestic abuse that comes from men. I hate the stereotype that men are strong and stupid. I hate how men are always labeled as cheaters.
No, there were never any people in my life who swayed me into thinking this way. I never had any bad experiences with being a white American man. I just feel like I was born into the wrong race and country. I don't feel like I was born into the wrong gender. I just hate what a lot of men do and am ashamed to be labeled into the same category as them.
1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups6 years agoHow can my mother break out of her addiction to misery?
My mom is addicted to being miserable. She constantly tries to push the people who love her out of her life. She hates my sister and constantly talks about how my sister ruined her life. She fights with my dad often. She throws things at people in her family. She cries constantly. She lives in constant fear of losing her house. She says that if she loses her house, she will either move in with my uncle, who lives an entire 7-hour drive away from her in a different state, or become homeless instead of being with her family. She says that I am the only person she loves and that I am the only one who cares about her. That is simply not true. When I was a kid and a teenager, she was always happy until we moved to Arizona and were forced, through negative circumstance, to move back. Is there any way she can break this addiction? If so, how?
3 AnswersMental Health6 years agoI have a question about GTA Online?
I played GTA V about a year ago and I loved it, so I want to play the online interactive version. I went to the Playstation Network store and typed in Grand Theft Auto. It showed GTA V for around 60 dollars but not GTA Online. So what should I do in order to play GTA Online?
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoAm I right that I am ashamed to be American?
This is how I feel:
I'm sorry that people's image of the country I was born in is so negative.
I'm sorry that people think we are all fat, arrogant, stupid, rich, indoctrinated, and uncultured.
I'm sorry that those same people want to move here because they think it is free.
I'm sorry that I was born in this country.
I hate being American.
I'm ashamed to be an American.
I identify as German instead of American because of the stereotypes.
I hate hearing people laugh at me when I try to speak their languages.
I hate that when I go to a different country, people point me in the direction of the nearest McDonalds.
I'm sorry that I am fat.
I'm sorry that despite my efforts to lose weight, I will always be labeled as fat because I'm American.
I'm sorry that whenever someone sees me, all they see is "American".
I'm just so sorry that I'm American. I hate it and wish it were differently. I can't control it.
So please laugh and point fingers. Call me stupid. Call me ignorant. I deserve as much.
Simply because I was born in America.
Is this a good attitude for me to have? I think it is.
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years agoHow could a testudo, the siege machine not the turtle, be used to help soldiers climb castle walls?
There was a Roman siege engine called a testudo. It was pretty much walls and a roof and was usually placed over a battering ram to protect the ram from being destroyed. During the English Civil War, the royalist army built a special kind of testudo with holes in the side to fire rifles from. There was also a cannon in front. This was the weapon that inspired the modern tank. Anyway, the royalists had constructed one and called it "Humpty Dumpty". It was designed to help them get over the castle walls during the siege of Gloucester. The story goes that the while the royalists were at work building humpty dumpty, the roundheads expanded their moat. When the royalists brought their testudo up, it fell into the moat forcing them to surrender. I am wondering how the precursor to the tank helped people climb castle walls.
1 AnswerMilitary7 years agoA question regarding Josephus' Antiquities?
I am referring more specifically to the document he wrote that mentions Jesus. People often say that the part that mentions Jesus was placed into the document by someone who wasn't Josephus. So my question is how we get to that conclusion. What are the reasons people say that part was added later?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWould you say race plays a role in pornography demographics?
It seems to me that mostly white people watch porn. What makes this the case?
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago