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What causes a couple to take each other's clothes off, while making out?
Like most couples, even though I've done that, I wondered why it leads to it. Is it something that goes off in your brain? Just curious.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 weeks agoIs there a way to adjust the nes zapper to work for an LCD screen?
I'd like to get an answer, before they end Yahoo answers, but I have an LCD TV and an nes. I love duck hunt, but can't play it. Does anyone know if there's a way to fix the zapper to where it can pick up an LCD?
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games3 weeks agoIs there a way to waterproof an rc car? ?
I have an enoze 9301e (if you need to, you can Google that model) and I have driven it in the rain and it hasn't messed up. But, to be safer, does anyone know how to add extra waterproofing to it? This is my car and I've had it in heavy rain too.
Hobbies & Crafts1 month agoWhat does the brain release in men, to cause them to temporarily lose interest in sex, after ejaculation?
Being a male, I just wanted to know what the brain releases to make men not want to think about sex afterwards. If you're going to answer this in a negative way, please don't answer it at all. I'm just curious about what the male brain does afterwards to make men not want sex for a few hours. I don't know anything (in that particular area) about what the female brain does (as far as that part goes,) but I'm curious. Please don't answer this, if you're going to put something negative as an answer.
4 AnswersPsychology1 month agoCan anyone tell me what kind of tree this is?
I don't remember trees too well, and wanted someone to identify this one in the picture for me. I hope you can see it. If not, I'll take a closer picture and update the question.
4 AnswersBotany1 month agoWhy does my phone tell me that my sd card doesn't have enough space to move an app when I have enough space to move those apps?
My sd card has more than enough space to store all my movable apps but my phone says otherwise. I did all the things that other sites mentioned (cleaning cache and data) and it gives the same message. I've cleaned junk files and it still doesn't work. What else can I do?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans2 months agoIs there anything wrong with calling a car/truck a "she?"?
I'm not sexist or anything, but I referred to my van as "she" and my parents gave their car a female name. I'm not the type to think of women as "property" either. But, I always wondered that. I was married, when I had my van and my wife already had a name for our van (being a female name.) Is there anything wrong with it, or is it how some people may take it? I've heard of a few females referring to their vehicles as "she" too. Do any of you do that? If so, will you tell me what you named yours?
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 months agoIs this illegal or not?
At 15, I had an 18 year-old girlfriend. We both loved each other. Well, one day we ended up making out with each other. I wasn't focused on the fact that I was "under age" I was making out with my girlfriend and it was 100% consensual. Was that wrong? I didn't see anything wrong about it. We weren't pushed into it, it just happened. Does that count as illegal? It was in 2000 and I don't have any regrets. Just curious.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months agoHow do you break into a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip?
The only reason for this question is that my friend has one of these phones and it locked her out. Her facial recognition stopped working too. She said that it started today. So, how do I help her get back in it? She doesn't want to reset it. It's an odd question, but how can I break into her phone for her? She's wanting my help and I don't know how to do it.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans3 months agoWhy does Zoloft make you horny?
I used to be on it years ago, and the fact I became super horny was annoying. My counselor asked me if I wanted to try it (while changing my meds) and I declined it for that reason. Why does it do that? I didn't want to go through that again, but wanted to know how it makes you as horny as hell.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 months agoWhat could cause my rc car to not go in reverse?
This isn't the first time this happened. I've been able to narrow down some things. I've tested the motor and that was ok. It goes forward, but not reverse. I'm thinking that it's the controller because I think it's been used. I found one online and noticed it had stickers missing, so that's what made me think it's a controller issue. I plan to try new batteries first to see if that fixes it. It's done this before and fixed itself. But, I'll try batteries first and see what happens. Still, I think this was a used controller.
Hobbies & Crafts3 months agoIs there anything else that will work as medicine for coughs?
Back when I was a kid, my mother used to give us white lightning for bad coughs. It felt like I was swallowing fire, but it worked. Since I have sinus problems in cold weather, Is there anything else that would do a better job than the spray I use for sinuses? I woke up with a bad cough today and was wishing that I had that around, or something else that would work as good. I did research, and they said that whiskey will work too. Are there any other natural remedies that work?
5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases3 months agoHow can dogs detect seizures?
A few years ago, I had a chihuahua that was able to detect my seizures (though she wasn't trained to do that.) Also, (since she was very protective over me) I was told that she got in my lap (while I was having a seizure) and wouldn't let anyone touch me. Besides the protection part, how was she able to tell that something was wrong with me? I'm able to tell that something is going to happen, before it does. I didn't tell anyone that I could feel it; but she was able to tell that something was wrong with me.
5 AnswersDogs4 months agoWhat makes a person addicted to spicy foods or peppers?
This is something that I can't figure out. Though I don't eat it all at one time, (for me) jalapenos are one thing that I really love. Even though I sometimes have to drink something, (depending on what I'm eating) I'll put hot sauce on anything that it can go on (meaning foods like some meats [mainly chicken;] certain pastas; pizza; and other foods [as long as it's a food that it can go with and not mess up the taste.) I know that lots of people are worse than this; but what makes me want it a lot (as well as jalapenos?)
5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink4 months agoWhy is smoking calming my nerves and my meds aren't?
First off, I know that it's (obviously) not good for my health. But the thing is: the two meds I'm on (only) knock me out (and do nothing else.) Could it be that my body doesn't respond to those meds? All I know is that smoking (though not good) is the only thing that calms them. I've been on these meds for about two months and they do nothing. The first time I ever took something for anxiety was: before I started smoking (and even that didn't work.) So, can someone tell me what could cause my body to not respond to them? The only thing I'll refuse to take is any antidepressant (I have before and they did more harm than good.) So, why is nicotine the only thing working and not the meds?
2 AnswersOther - Health5 months agoCan you fix a system UI problem on an android phone using a computer?
Since my phone still does this, I need to know if there's any software that I can put in my computer to fix my phone.
1 AnswerSoftware5 months agoHow many people have ever had scammers threaten your family?
Let me start by saying I was selling something on eBay for $800.00 (but this person sent a check for more than what I asked $2,150.50 and that wasn't what I asked.) Well, my bank confirmed that it was a scam (which I was suspicious) and they sent it back to where it came from. I told the guy that I refused to keep it and told him it was being returned (which he was one of those who wanted a pic of the check and deposit slip and my bank didn't give a deposit slip [which I believe was a good thing.) After he said I was lying about returning the money, he decided to say that my family would also pay (which was something I won't put with.) If he had threatened me, it wouldn't have bothered me; but when he mentioned my family, he got me furious. I already filed a complaint with the law; but my question is: has anyone else received this type of threat? (You and your family will pay.) One last thing was it was typed like this: "You only want to spend my fund , nothing is coming back anywhere and if you spend it , you wl also due with it , all your family WL pay for this ..." (and it was the "family" part he shouldn't have said to me.)
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police5 months agoCan a fan write questions for family feud?
I'm wondering if they can. I love the show and don't know if any fans can write and submit a question for the show. Is it possible?
2 AnswersYahoo Answers6 months agoHow do people who make graphetti get good at it?
Although I've never done that (nor do I know how) I've seen it on train cars and other places and lots of it looks very artistic. (Which I love art.) I can say that those who've done it are great at art (in my opinion because the appearance is very creative.) I don't know how they get it the form they want; but, (looking at the way it's done) I believe that they should teach others how to create something that is that artistic. So, how do you create it and arrange colors, so that they appear that perfectly? Really, I'd love to learn how to make it. I look at details and that really looks good.
1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration6 months ago