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  • Easier to transfer from CSU to UC or CC to UC?

    Alright, so I want to go to UC Santa Cruz. I didn't get in so I can do one of the two; 1) Go to Chico State for a year and then transfer to UCSC 2)go to Cabrillo College for a year then transfer.

    Cabrillo College is a community college in Santa Cruz and on their website they say that most people that do transfer out usually get into UCSC.

    I really only want to spend a year at Cabrillo or Chico, but I am hearing mixed things such as it will be easier to transfer from Chico to UCSC. But I've also been told that it is much harder to transfer from a CSU to a UC.

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Having problems with Mac volume?

    So I booted up my MacBook this morning( Mac OS X v. 10.5.6) and for some reason my volume is not working. When I try adjusting the volume on my keyboard, I get this:

    I opened up my system preferences but everything appears fine.

    Does anyone know how to fix this without having to reinstall everything?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Is there a difference between the SAT II and the SAT Reasoning?

    I've recently have taken my test about a week ago at the beginning of October. According to the lady who was checking me off the list to make sure I my ID matched my admission ticket, I was taking the Reasoning test. But when I entered the classroom apparently everyone was taking the SAT II. My proctor gave everyone the same test. This being the first time I've taken the test, I was unsure and decided to take the test that was placed infront me. Now I'm just extremly worried that I screwed myself over by not speaking up.

    4 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • When a lease expires, is it the lessee's job to inform the lessor? or vice versa?

    So my parents have been leasing a grocery store since 86 and have been renewing the lease every 5 years since. When it was time to renew the lease, the owner of the property would call my parents right away letting us know that it has expired and it was time to renew it. The lease had expired in 2006 but the owner had died earlier that year, and my parents have been paying his wife until today. My parents recently got a letter that the lease has been expired for awhile now that the rent has gone up by about one-thousand dollars since then. And the owners wife is saying that it is our job to inform her when the lease had expired.

    So are the lessees (my parents), supposed to inform the lessor (the wife of dead owner) when the lease has expired? Or is it the other away around?

    And is there a solution to this sticky situation?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago