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Is Draupadi considered a daughter of Agni?
The Pandavas are officially the sons of Pandu, but in truth they were the children of gods.
So it was with Draupadi and her brother Dhrstidayumna: they were the son and daughter of king Drupada, but he had not sired them with a woman - rather, they had emerged from a sacrificial fire.
If I understand correctly, in this kind of sacrifice (Yajna) the fire is held to represent the god of fire, Agni.
Can we consider Draupadi to be a daughter of Agni, as Yudhistir was the son of Dharma, Bhima the son of Vuya, Aryun the son of Indra and Nahakula and Sahadeva the sons of the Asvins?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoCan anyone help me identify an old movie?
Many years ago, I saw a short movie scene on television which was so striking I have always remembered it - but I never discovered where it came from.
It was set in a futuristic-looking room or hall; in the middle, a game board, like a chess board, with geometrically-shaped pieces. The players were a bearded man with pale blue skin in a silvery suit, and another bearded man with pale blue skin, dressed the same - somehow it seemed like they were different versions of the same man, or warped mirror images of each other, because the first man looked like a scholar, but the other was brutish, stocky and had animalistic features.
The game began, and the pieces were moving across the board - not one one by one like chess pieces, but almost all at the same time; they seemed to fire at each other with laser beams, as well. The players controlled them, I am not sure how.
It did seem like the scholarly man was winning, because the brutish man roared with anger, it seemed. That's where it ended.
It has bugged me for literally decades. Is there anyone who knows what movie this could be?
1 AnswerMovies8 years ago