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Lv 1248 points

Sadie Ann

Favourite answers21%
  • Why do people not understand the difference between education and intelligence?

    I was just looking up accents on yahoo answers for fun. I wanted to learn more about American southern accents and I was distubed by the fact that some many young, educated people confuse education with intelligence. There were a lot of comments about people with southern accents sounding dumb or having lower intelligence. One person in particular said they "would have to knock 10 points off a person's IQ for a southern accent" or something to that affect.

    I guess my question is if so many young people are going to college and so many young people (such as myself) are supposed to be getting a good education to enter the workforce why are we not learning that there is a fundamental difference between education and intelligence. A person is born with or acquires intelligence through life experiences and opportunities while an education is something that anyone or at least anyone with money can acquire but they can never gain intelligence if they don't have it. Who else is disturbed that "educated" people aren't even being told that their is a difference?

    BTW: I'm just going to ignore any immature comments.

    12 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy college textbooks on audio tape or cd?

    So does anyone know where you can buy college textbooks on tape or cd, or if they even make audio versions of college textbooks?

    I've looked at my textbook's publishing websites but can't seem to find any audio textbooks.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago