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Lv 2294 points

David D

Favourite answers14%
  • Legal requirements to marry in Sweden?

    I know what documents are required to marry in Sweden & I know there is no residency requirements. I worry that this applies only to people from the same region. Can an EU citizen marry an Asian national in Sweden? I emailed city hall in Stockholm but received no response. I can prove at least four years of relationship should they worry about marriage of convenience.

    1 AnswerImmigration1 decade ago
  • How to get candle wax out of carpet?

    I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me if theres a way of getting candle wax out of a carpet.

    7 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • How to get candle wax out of carpet?

    I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me if theres a way of getting candle wax out of a carpet.

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Should I emigrate when the reason isnt practical?

    Story goes my better half has moved home to M'sia for two years ish. Moving there myself would not be financially sound as I would not be permitted to work, although I do not have financial responsibilities here and dont really earn that much. I manage to save 80E per month. So I miss him terribly and my choice is to stay and just keep things ticking over and retain my job or to go, be with him for the two years and pick up where I left off when I come back, probably with a different job. My head says stay (because of me decent job) and my heart says go, soppy I know but what to do?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What is considered general wear and tear?

    I recently moved out of a rented property. On my last day I vacuumed, dusted, cleaned the surfaces etc... Left it clean basically but the kitchen presses were always very difficult to clean as there was no ventilation or window and cooking over the years took its toll on them. I always did my best with them. Now I am being billed to have them professionally cleaned. Is this fair? Its not like I didn't clean them and I don't own a steam cleaner.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Landlord wont give my deposit back - Ireland?

    I rented this place for 4 yrs and recently moved out. Landlord is keeping 100E out of the deposit due to a small chip in the plaster on the stairs - about the size of a 2E coin. I have done general repairs myself over past few years like installed an electric shower when old one broke 293E. Cant believe the nerve of the guy. Anyone have any experience of this in Ireland.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago