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Athny B
i want a pc space game?
it was a few years old i cant for the life of me remember the name of it. it was like a modernized version of freespace where you could build up your ship with loads of upgrades, explore massive amounts of space, buy new ships, gravity had large effects on your ship, and there were factions to either avoid/fight/work for. any1 who has any idea what it was please tell me i'm stuck, but i know if i see the name i will remember.
thanks guys/gals
1 AnswerPC1 decade agolovefilm ps3 games playing online require net pass?
does anyone know if when you rent a game from lovefilm and if the online play requires a code(say if you bought it outright). do lovefilm give you a code or what? because a lot of games out there at the moment require you to get a net pass to play them online.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agothis song has been bugging me for weeks please help!!!?
its at 3.23 on this video. its the dance music bit...
3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoso why do people assume?
that guys have done something wrong if we buy our wives / girl friends flowers???? i buy my wife a massive bunch of flowers at least once a month just because i love her but my friends always give me grief saying what have i done wrong. do all guys get this hassle too?
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agowhat can i do to prevent the drug addicts ruining my street?
i'm really getting sick of it, they are here every single day injecting drinking and causing trouble. i call the police most days but they never seem to come, i even found out exactly who they are buying their gear from and told the cops but they did nothing. i have started a neighbour hood watch, tried to get the council to place CCTV (but they wont). i have contacted every person who might be able to help, but i'm getting no where fast. what else can i do about this? and how can i complain about the police in my area (the rumors are that some officers are being paid off to turn a blind eye to the serious drugs problem, which is totally believable as there have been several dismissal's of police officers here in recent years for similar things)
i'm really trying to make my street a safe & nice place to live, and the crime is ridiculous here this street is the highest crime area in the county.
any ideas would be appreciated
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agowhat do you hate most in the world?
i really hate people who resort to insults because they can't come up with anything more Intelligent to say
10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoso if god made man in his own image....?
does that mean everything i do is what god would do in my situation? does that mean there is no such thing as sin? so if there is no such thing as sin there must be no hell to punish people? and without hell there could be no heaven as one can't exist without the other, could it? so is there really a god?
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoi need some advice please?
i have always had real aggression issues all my life, i try so hard these days to keep a cap on my temper. today there was a situation where a guy had a go at my wife being real nasty and generally a nob, it almost nearly into a fight between him and me. i managed to keep my temper and rise above it all but my problem is that when i get angry my body seems to get ready for war and dumps huge amounts of adrenaline into my system (its like rocket fuel to me), so much so i get the shakes. now after the confrontation i was left with all this adrenaline floating around my body and it has left me feeling very depressed i'm really kicking myself for being the bigger man and constantly playing through the event in my mind. i just woke up having had dreams about it. i don't want to feel like this again if i have to rise above situations in the future.
so my question is this how do i control my bodies natural reactions to confrontation? if there is no real way to control it how do i get rid of this crappy feeling it leaves me with?
it might sound a bit stupid but it has been a real problem for me today & i dont want to be depressed around my baby girl.
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoa truely weird question?
if a hermaphrodite had fully functional male & female reproductive organs and was able to mate with itself, would it produce a clone??? i ask because babies are made from a selection of DNA from both parents to make a new life and if there were just 1 parent it would surely have to be a clone, wouldn't it?
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agowhat movie is this picture from. its bugging me!?
3 AnswersMovies1 decade agosome good advice needed?
well my situation is quite complex, my partner of 3 years has just given birth to our daughter which we are both very happy about. her mother though made it so she could not tell her father or rest of her family as if it were some dirty secret. when her mother decided to tell her dad about our baby she lied and said she only knew about her for 2 days prior to telling him even though she has known for 5 months. he understandably had a bit of a flip out about it all. her parents think that i'm some sort of scum bag, (i can't understand why) i work 3 jobs to pay for the baby, i'm head of the tenants committee & neighbourhood watch. they have gotten it into their heads that i'm forcing my partner into a life she does not want even though we are getting married in october, i have tried everything to get them on my side and all they seem to want to do is hate me and lie to each other about lots of things. both my partner and myself are really stressed out by it all and don't know what to do about it. should we just tell them to go away and grow up a bit? should we just get them out of our lives for good as neither of us want lies and backstabbing around our daughter? or should we carry on as normal and let them get away with this rubbish? there is a lot more to this situation that really is not for sharing here and all are pretty bad. please tell us what you would do in our situation
thanks guys and gals
3 AnswersFamily1 decade agowhat is your most loved console game of all time?
there are so many to choose from but mine is legacy of kaine Soul Reaver on the ps1 (the ps2 sequal was not much cop) this game is screaming out for a re-release with ps3 visuals.
on the n64 you cant go wrong with golden eye either.
there are so many to choose from, what game would you love to see given a new lease of lifeon modern systems?
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agomen should be allowed to stay after labour?
its not fair that my partner has to leave after labour when im put on a ward.. dont you think its vital that they stay for that vital bonding experience. are there any laws that we can use to make sure that he will be able to stay with me???
1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago1000 reasons to hate TONY BLAIR & GORDON BROWN?
come on guys there are so many reasons
i hate everything they have done to the laws surrounding personal freedom
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoworlds worst chat up lines?
fess up guys what stinkers ave you used?
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agomy kitten is mental please help?
how can i stop my kitten from going nuts when i go to bed? she flips out properly when the lights go out and will not sleep and when i finally get to sleep she sits on my chest chewing my face until i wake up, i cant put her in the spare room as she goes even more nuts an if she is in my room she runs around like a maniac i tried to stop her from sleeping during the day, didn't work. i am out of ideas.
my kitten is very young though 16 weeks, and is well cool during the day
14 AnswersCats1 decade agogoogle redirect virus?
how can i get rid of it? i have tried everything i can think of and not dented it i was also told of a program called savekeeper which i tried and it installed a trojan which gives loads of fake virus alerts i need a good quality program which can destroy both these viruses
3 AnswersSecurity1 decade agowhere can i learn hypnotism for free?
i want to be able to hypnotise people just to see if it actually works where can i learn it for free? anyone know of a web page or something?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agothe meaning of dreams? any ideas?
i have some very strange dreams and they are seriously vivid i mean sometimes i wake up and have to realise that they were dreams, sometimes i even feel pain of things that happen in dreams. does any1 else have this. and do dreams have any real significance? i also suffer with terrible night terrors which are like nightmares but ones you can not wake from i was wondering if any1 knows of a way of stopping these as the only thing i have been able to do to help is deprive myself of too much sleep i'm currently only sleeping for 3 - 4 hours a night
5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agolongest word on the top row of the keyboard?
any know what the longest possible word you can spell only using the top row of letters from Q to P on your keyboard is?
i do and it is very appropriate i'll post the answer in 30 mins so have a go
7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago