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Chemistry Help?
An ammonia solution is made by diluting 150 mL of the concentrated commercial reagent until the final volume reaches 1000 mL. What is the final molar concentration?
If you can answer this, please show me how you did it, as I have quite a few questions like this. Thank you :)
1 AnswerChemistry4 weeks agoIs it likely that I have short sleeper syndrome?
I'm a 16 year old female and ever since I was 12, I've been experiencing fatigue throughout the day. I've always consistently got 7-8 hours of sleep, but been very exhausted. For the past couple years, I've been taking naps 3-4 times a week, often every day in the winter months. It also takes me a while to fall asleep, usually between 30 minutes and an hour. Short sleeper syndrome is in my family (my mother's father has it), so I'm wondering if I have the gene. I'm wondering, am I always so tired because I'm getting too much sleep? Would I feel less tired if I got 4ish hours of sleep every night? Any answers are helpful, I'm not super familiar with SSS and I'm seeking more information on it.
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care2 months agoHow to remove deodorant/sweat stains from black shirts?
I have about 10 black cotton shirts that have been plagued by horrible white underarm stains (pictured). I use gel deodorant, which I wouldn't expect to cause this, but alas. Not only are the areas white, but they're also stiff and have no stretch (unlike the rest of the shirt). I love all of these shirts, I really don't want to repurpose them or throw them out. Is there any way to remove these stains? I'm open to both at home remedies as well as products to remove them. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry3 months agoAm I in the wrong in this situation?
I’m 16 and I have a very good relationship with my parents. I’m quite independent and I keep my grades high. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been studying quite a bit for exams. I had one yesterday and two more next week. Today, I decided to take a break and sit in bed and watch Netflix for a couple hours. Then, I studied for about an hour and decided I would take a nap. My parents both told me that I’m lazy and I need to do something productive. My mom told me to organize the storage room (I told her I would get to it this week, not specifically today). My dad told me to go for a walk, even though it’s -20 C outside. I feel that I deserve a day to be lazy, I haven’t had one since Christmas. I try so hard to please them, and they do often show their appreciation. My average is a 90, which I do not think reflects a lazy person. I value my parents opinions very much, but I also think they’re being unreasonable now. Should I listen to them? Or is it okay for me to take a nap?
6 AnswersFamily3 months agoHow to unshrink cotton garments?
I mistakenly threw a pair of cotton PJ pants into the dryer and the legs are significantly shorter now. I tried soaking them in warm water with some conditioner and stretching them again, but they shrank back a few days later. Is there any way to permanently unshrink them? I love these pants, but the fact that they go halfway up my shin irritates me.
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories3 months agoDo I have a cyst in my earlobe?
A few days ago, I noticed a small lump in my left earlobe. It's not big enough to see, but it hurts like hell. It's about the size of a pea and it's very hard. If I touch it, it hurts for a few minutes afterwards. Anything that touches it or puts any pressure is very painful, even wearing headphones is nearly unbearable. I can't sleep on my left side either. Is this a cyst? Should I go to a doctor?
2 AnswersSkin Conditions4 months agoPart of eye is randomly bloodshot?
I noticed a significantly red area of vessels on my right eye sclera (photo attached). My other eye is fine and it’s only in the one area. I’m a 16 year old female, I wear glasses (never worn contacts), I don’t wear eye makeup and I haven’t been scratching or touching my eye or done anything to cause this. It’s not painful, but both my eyes are a little bit dry. I’m wondering if I have a mild hemorrhaging, some of the redness appears to be outside of the vessels. If somebody is able to tell me what this is or if I need to see a doctor, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
2 AnswersOptical4 months agoIs my hamster sleeping too much?
I have a Syrian hamster who is about a year old. He sleeps from around 7AM to 10:30PM. In the summer he would wake up around 9PM, sometimes even 8PM. When he's up, he spends most of his time on his wheel but also a fair amount of time grooming himself and chewing on his wooden toys. He seems perfectly healthy, he hasn't shown any signs of illness and his behaviours are normal. He gets up a few times a day for a drink of water, but he usually goes right back to sleep in his burrow. Is he sleeping too much? If so, how can I get him to naturally wake up earlier?
3 AnswersRodents4 months agoCan I exchange a used candle to Bath and Bodyworks?
I bought a candle from Bath and Bodyworks on Black Friday and I'm really not a fan of the scent. It's only been burned a couple of times, there's maybe 1/2 of wax evaporated off the top. I know they have a complete satisfaction guarantee, but I don't know if they have any conditions, like how long ago it was purchased, how used it is, etc. I'm going to go back on Boxing Day and try to exchange it for another candle (I have the receipt too). Will they accept it?
11 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style4 months agoWho is right in this situation?
In art class, Kevin sits beside Peter, who is also his best friend. Peter is entertained by throwing pencils at the girl who is sitting in front of him. At the end of class, the teacher pulls Kevin and Peter aside and confronts them. Kevin wasn't throwing any pencils, but he still admits to doing it because he doesn't want to throw Peter under the bus. He feels that it would make him a d/ick if he told the teacher that he didn't do anything wrong. Kevin also believes that because Peter now owes him, he will follow through and do him a big favour. The teacher punishes them by making them write an apology letter and spending their next few art classes in the office. I think that Kevin should have stood up for himself and that it doesn't make him a d/ick for doing so- after all, Peter is getting punished anyways. I also don't think that Peter will repay him, as he's clearly not a decent person for a) throwing things at somebody for no reason and b) not sticking up for Kevin when he was falsely accused. What do you think Kevin should have done?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months ago