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What got me started on this subject was a few years ago my wife broke her Femur and was in the emergency room waiting to get it operated on. They asked me to wait outside the room because they wanted to set it before the operation.They gave her Versed and the screaming was horrible. I was told she would not remember and she didn't but I do know how she suffered. I feel that when this drug is used for it's amnesia effect it's abuse.I spoke to the surgeon on a follow up visit and asked him about what had happened,his remark was she does not remember so what. Other experiences with this drug I know people who had had colonoscopies and do remember having pain and yelling during the procedure,so I guess amnesia does not happen to everyone. Another person e mailed me and asked about her dental procedure as why was I sedated and screaming and have no memory of it when everyone could hear me. .

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