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  • Help, we need a slogan ?

    My husband is in the beginning stages of starting a business. He is going to be doing a wide range of general labor, handy man type things. Tree work, Land clearing, septic system replacement, pressure washing etc. The name of the company is Bryant's all around services and we need a good slogan or phrase for the company. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. TIA

    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 weeks ago
  • I spent HOURS picking out a tv today, came home read the reviews and now I'm sooooo lost !!!!?

    I ultimately chose the Sharp aquos 60 inch tv for $899, but it has pretty mixed reviews on picture quality and how long it lasts. I'm looking for a 60 in tv, with a GREAT picture under $1000. LED, LCD only .... no plasma ..... and trying to look up different brands and read through reviews is crazy !!! What are your suggestions and why ???? PLEASE HELP !!!!!!

    5 AnswersTVs7 years ago