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I study law and the Holy Bible.


    In my own little tiny part of this civilization I have witnessed many of the so call good people doing evil. Should I reveal who the Son of Perdition/Hell is and begin the seven years of tribulations? Or, should I just suffer until I die and chance allowing evil, disguised as good, to corrupt as in the day's of Noah?

    For the 7 years of tribulations is designed to wipe out those who are arrogant, mighty in their own view. The flood wiped off the earth much built by men with good intentions? But, since man refuses to glorify God in their behaviors, for the gifts given to them to improve the quality of living for all, and instead build bigger barns, and kill trespassers trying to pluck from the corners, what do they expect from the one who has to hear the suffering of his children who are being oppressed, denied justice, and crying out for answers?

    If your children were suffering evilness, and those under an oath refused to become involved, and you were God, would you pull up the weeds, or pull up everything and start New again?

    I see much corruption, children are following, the poor are being over powered by the corrupt? If I suffer and do not expose the Son of Hell am I doing my Father's will, or am I being deceived by my mind and protecting what the Devils children are building, a new world order, get rid of mentally ill, handicapped, those who brake a law, those who become alcoholics and drug addicts, those who can't work, need SSI, Medicare, and MassHealth?


    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore6 years ago
  • Comfort needed from suffers who follow Jesus? How do I become joyful?

    I know God is real and I have been suffering since I converted to walking with faith. I am ashamed to declare that without medication I wish I was dead? Why does Jesus allow me to behurt by sinners so much and keep me poor, no rerelationship, sleeping at a friend's, tired all time, know body helps me? I stole a few times from people who had plenty, I took care of my children, I stopped drinking and drugging, I pray and give thanks all the time yet sinners are allowed to ruin my life, ability to work, provide for my boys, rent a room? I don't know what more Jesus wants from me? I only have everlasting life as a future but I am healthy and it seems these sinners want me completely homeless again? I hate life! I have advice for everyone but I am helpless to stop theevil being done to me? Why are rreligious people singing and smiling on tv? How do I find joy in my misery?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Are we being tested, (proved, tempted) by OUR FATHER, or, is scripture saying YHWH, the God of Israel, wrongly being worshipped as our God?

    James 1:12, Blessed is the man who endures trial, when under trial (being proved, tested, tempted, to sin) let no man say he is being tested by God? For God himself tempts (proves, tests, tempts) no one? It goes on to explain that God does not put us to tests, to prove us, but our desires cause us to test ourselves? So, if God does not test us, put circumstances in our life that cause us to respond Godly, or, Godless, why do the Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Mormons, and Christians, call the God of Israel, the Father, God, of Jesus? For in Exodus 20:20, Moses told the Israelites that YHWH is come to "test" use, so that you fear Him, and do not sin?

    We all know that Abram choose to worship YHWH as his God and "darkness" overcame him, and he was changed, and YHWH called him A bra "ham?" At Gn 9:22, "Ham" is the Father of Canaan, and cursed in v27? Abram`s, name was changed to a curse, A bra"ham" and he was a sinner in YHWH`s, "eye!" Is 43:27, "Your first father sinned." Jn. 8:39,"Abraham is our father." Lk.16:23,"And "in He'll" he was with Abraham!" Gn.20:3, "God, not the LORD, saved the King Abimelech, from sinning because of "a lie" Abraham said to him (who claims his God is God, and spoke to him). Abimelech, who was saved by God o from Abraham's lie, in Gn 21:23, feared Abraham as an "evil threat" to him, and his children?

    In Gn.14:17, YHWH, like the Devil in the wilderness with Jesus, "lied?" " if you worship me, I will give the I land of Canaan "TO YOU?"

    Is YHWH the true God?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If YHWH is "our Father"?

    Why, in 2 K 3:18-27, did He lie in v18, as you read in verse 27?

    Basically, YHWH, the God of Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Mormoms, and Christians, told His chosen children, the Israelites, to attack the Moabites, Lot and one of his daughters descendants, and YHWH would cause them to prevail, but as soon as the King of Moab took his firstborn "son" and sacrificed him as a "burnt offering" to YHWH, YHWH aided the Moabites, in defeating His chosen children?

    I understand that this is a very difficult question for anyone to answer, so I will choose the answer that makes the most, logical, sense?

    Here are some verses that may aid you,1 Sm 15:29; Nm 23:19; Ex 13:17; Ex 22:29

    I read somewhere in Isiah, I believe, where YHWH claims to be ignorant of accepting human sacrifice, "Do not sacrifice your children to Moloch" "I never told anyone to sacrifice their children as an offering?" See Jer 7:31, where YHWH claims He does not like human sacrifices, "to other Gods?" Cf. Lv 20:3?

    This is not the only time YHWH has given victory in war in exchange for a human sacrifice? In Jg 11:30, 31, 39, Jephthah, with the Holy Ghost given to him by YHWH, made a "vow" with YHWH to offer "whoever" was the first to greet him at the door of his house when he returned triumphantly from fighting his enemy, as a "burnt offering" to YHWH, and he murdered his own daughter, for she was the first to greet him after YHWH accepted his vow, and helped him win the battle against his enemy?

    I don't expect u can explain

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • why do tan skinned people keep raising their children speaking a foreign language in America?

    foreigners in America deny their children the right to speak English? Little children are forced to speak a foreign language at home growing up? Then they go to school and have to learn English? It don't make sense? I don't speak Polish, I don't speak French, my grandparents ignored their countries language because they did not plan on their children returning there? And they wanted their children to be excepted, and successful, in English speaking America? What successful American wants to hire some person who speaks another countries language when they can hire a proud English speaking American? So they grow up working at burger king and it's their parents fault? 7 out of 10 of these type of children grow up failures! It's child abuse!

    So why do Spanish parents teach their children Spanish and expect them to learn English at school? Do use plan on moving back to your country and don't want your children to become an American?

    Languages7 years ago
  • What is ur opinion of the American Dream for a non english speaking child of a non english speaking women?

    For White English speaking couples the American Dream is starting to work in High School, depriving themselves of alcohol related entertainment, brand new clothing/footwear, taking public transportation and banking every extra cent they can, meeting someone of the opposite sex, who has grown up saving money also, getting married, applying for a loan, establishing credit, and continuing to deprive themselves of costly entertainment to save money to put their child into college. Then that child lives the same way until the family reaches a generation where the oldest can be provided for by the yougest they provided for and keep the cycle going?

    But ignorant people go and have children, brake up, state has to pay for the ignorant women who spread their legs to some guy without protection and then later decided for millions of reasons they dont want the guy as a perminate mate, and get free housing, and food, and use their apartment as a revolving door for differant men, have more children, who grow up ignorant, angry, see happy white normal families, then develop a racist excuse for their lousy life, end up in prison, hate whites, and sucessful blacks, and get out of prison hopeless?

    Ignorant women are getting pregnant and abusing Americas economy. That Catholic Church closes their doors in anyones face that they can not profit from, yet they make women think they go to Hell if they abort the child in their womb that hardworking, responsible Americans have to pay for?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Question about the Gods?

    Which God is most powerful? The God of the Romans, Jupiter? The God of the Israelites, YHWH?

    Or do u know another God? These two Gods are called by other names, this may make u think u have another God?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Question about Freemasons?

    Has a Free Mason ever disclosed what the "G" stands for? Whats the big deal in keeping it secret and letting guessers say its Satanic?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Two "begotten Sons" why has this been hidden?

    Jn 1:18, "No man has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."

    Ps 2:7, "I will declare the decree," YHWH said unto me, "Thou art my Son, this day I have begotten thee."

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • why do religious leaders, like Paul, lie and say Jesus did not sin?

    Dont get me wrong, I love Jesus but yesterday, for some reason, it was revealed to me that Jesus broke the law, a couple of times, so why do they say he died sinless?

    I mean if I, walked into a church, and there was a table there, and I knocked everything off the table to the ground and started ramping, "You have made my Fathers House a den for theives!" Would not the Police be called, I would be arrested, charged for disturbing the peace, malicious destruction of property? And something like this could be said,"These poor people work to feed their children and this man Jesus attacks them, and takes my possessions and tosses them to the floor?" And he caused me to loose some Doves, and Pegions, and the value of them?

    Then it says Jesus himself declared himself "King?" by riding around on the Donkey, while people are praising him? Why would he do this? The Christ was anointed as King, and usually the Christs sons become the Christ after? But Jesus is declaring himself a Christ, which would put him as an enemy to the Christ at the time, and the Christs children, who are next in line for the Crown

    So know I am wondering? Why was it so important to declare Jesus as sinless, when his behavior was against established laws, making him a criminal, which are called "sinners?"

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Question about the "Cross" that idol?

    I was watching some priest on an evangalist program and he was pressing a cross against some ladies head saying, "torture you, torture you," and having conversations with "Demons" as the Cross is pressed against their heads? Churches pass out crosses? Make huge Crosses all over the world? Oh and Constantine saw a cloud shaped like a cross in the sky?

    If a cross symbol is so holy why do Spanish, Italian, and Sicilian gangstars, who behave like some animals, where a kneclace with a cross? My x, she is Satan incarnated, and she wheres a cross cause she sees gangstas wives wearing them?

    If this symbol is so evil why do these Godless people wear it and still do evil? Is it because the cross and the statute of a blong haired, blue eyed, white man from the land of "Israel" (where knowbody looks like he does) is "idolatry" and evil, but those who deny the Commandment prohibiting any idols are "the Church of Satan!"

    How do you Christians and Catholics live with such explicit sin?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Bad news for religios people who think god, is "God?"?

    John 8:54,55. Its explicitly declared by Jesus (as St Marcion said) the god of the Israelites, Ju's, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Mormoms, and all other who think the Lord God, God of many people, is not God, the Father, who Jesus introduced to the Israelites, Ju's, Greeks, and Romans (of that time) to save them, from "theirGods!"

    This is why Jesus knew he had to die, that he was going to be tortured and murdered, cause God sent him to a people whose God formed to kill all those he insult him! This is why men like Billy Graham has no actual proof about Jesus, or "God!"

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • question about R&S?

    The screeners on R&S allowed someone to post a picture of a dick, but when I answer a question that says the God of the Jews killed Jesus! The screeners prevent my answer?

    Do i have to put a picture of a dick to get on the good side of the screeners? Are they x prison guards?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Question about the Christ?

    Jesus said that there have been many Christ's before him and many more people claiming I am the Christ, but don't follow them.

    Who are some of the Christ's before Jesus? I know Cyrus was one, anybody know any others?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • To all doubters, and unbelievers, Jesus is here!?

    First, his real name in English is not Joshua! Its blaspheme to the Lord God to say his real name, Jesus real name; "Savior!" Yasha in Hebrew.

    Now it is written that he would manifest himself to some of us, and the two Angels at his Tomb, James and John, who were crucified with him, as he promised them, said He would appear in,"a cloud!"

    Well I am not going to get into detail but Yasha appeared to me in a cloud as soon as I yelled for him the cloud appeared infront of me and disappeared.

    I watched two stars traveling together, both stop, one leave and went back.

    I made a Satan worshipper scream for help, using "Jesus" telling Satan to leave him.

    A man in a Pin Striped Suite, geased back black hair, and a smalled gottee type of beard, and had eye contact and his eyes were firey red!

    A lot of miraculous things have happened to me? I am in the middle of a war where unclean spirits, spiritually, and in people, have tried to make me give up my faith of everlasting, through suffering. And Yasha not only heals me of all the times they contaminated my organs, but has actually sent spirits in me to help me do my daily buisness.

    Its hard to follow Yasha, but he will manifest himself to you if you search diligently for him every day. I did not expect to see what I saw? It happened one year after reading Bibles, front to back, every day, and night, for about a year. I read several differant versions. And I am stronger, smarter, and confident about this life, and going to Him? Join me!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians, Jews, JW, Catholics, Mormoms and Muslims! WHAT! What is your excuse for disobeying, and neglecting the LORD, the God of Israel?

    Do u read how many nations were destroyed by the Lord because they sacraficed to other Gods? Did u know that Arrons two sons were killed by the Lord because they did not offer the sacrafice as ordered by the Lord? As Jesus said,"and offer the gift that Moses appointed..." Mt 8:4. See Lv 14:4,5,"sacrafice for cleansing."!

    You can lean on Jesus for yours sins! BUT WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO DISOBEY SACRAFICES COMMANDED TO YOU FOR OTHERTHAN SINS!? "Ye said also, Behold, what a weariness is it! And ye have snuffed at it, saith the LORD of Hosts!" Malachi 1:13!

    "For I am a great King, and my name is dreadful amongs the heathen!"

    What do ye hearers of the word think "Kosher" food is? IT HAS BEEN SACRAFICED TO THE LORD!

    "For I am the LORD! I change not!" Malachi 3:6. "Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto in Horeb (Mt. Sinai) for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments..." Malachi 4:4?

    Was not Noah saved and counted as "good?" Did he not thank the the LORD with a sacrafice? Did not Abel sacrafice to the LORD to show his love? Did not Abraham sacrafice to show his love to the LORD? And he also obeyed his laws and did not sin against the LORD? Did not Moses bring all the Israelites out of Egypt to "sacrafice" a "holocaust" to the LORD! Ex 3:18; 10:25? The LORD demands your offerings? "In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings," to please the LORD with offerings? Zeph 3:11.

    So, you love Him, but make lies to stop obeying Him? Hypocrits!

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Question about YHWH laws of sacraficing?

    The Lord God prescribed daily sacrafices, sacrafices when children were born, sacrafices for sins, tresspasses, favors, etc.

    Jesus did not stop sacrafices, only around the 1700's could common, and some middle class, afford a book written about Jesus. And the Jews surely did not believe Jesus gave them authority to stop sacrafices?

    So what prevented Jews, and Israelites, from dis obeying thier God's laws for sacrafices?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Aithiests, have u ever heard of?

    A religious man named "Marcion?" Marcion believed that Jesus God was not the God of the Israelite people, YHWH! I have thought this for years myself and overheard this persons name mentioned on the History Channel? So I googled it. Now I would not trust everything attributed to him, but, his main argument about the God of Israel carries a lot of wieght for he lived from 80AD to 160AD? And Jesus is said to have died in around 30AD?

    This man must have had thousands and thousands of friends that believed in him, or he would have been killed off?

    So who is the God of the Israelites then? According to Moses Exodus 20:20, he is the "Tempter!" "The God of War!" "The Jelous God!" "The unforgiven God, Exodus 34:7!" The God of the dead, that are living! Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!

    So does this make those that serve him evil? Absolutely not! A person can only be evil if they do evil?The God of Israel gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments, and then said, either violate them or stay in a suffering state in the wilderness until u die? And after being there 40 years, watching thier Dads die, for refusing to kill the Canaanites, eating the same food everyday, hated, and feared, by nations around them, missing thier homes in Egypt, the foods they use to eat, and everything they had until Moses caused the Pharoah to make thier lives burdensome, they broke, and became willing to kill to ease thier suffering!

    Dont blame his followers, blame him! Fear him! And behave as Jesus or u will meet him?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Since Constantine worshipped the Sun God?

    Are people being decieved into praying to the, Sun, "Son?"

    For we know that the Cross represents the God Tummaz.

    We know that the Pope is called, Holy Father.

    We know that, YHWH refers to himself as, "Holy Spirit?"

    So are people praying to more than 3?

    1. Cross: the God Tummaz

    2. Father: Holy Father/Pope/

    3. Son: Sun/ the Son God

    4. Holy Spirit: Yahweh

    There is no way the Catholic Church worship our Yasha, for they do not obey what he told them. They even blaspheme, and call themselves Father! And why would the Romans ever give in to the Jews God, and pray to a man, who was a Jew, and call him a son of the Jewish God, and not thier Son God? And Egyptian, whose royalty lives on worshipped the Cross also.

    So did these 4 powers come together and give one representation of all thier Gods, to unite with eachother and seek to rule the world?

    What do you think? For the words of our Yasha are provided for all, but only the poor can live by them, and usually stop if they hit the lottery?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Question about the Catholic Vatican?

    Anybody have any idea why in a place that was run by Romans, a place where the Jewish Peter preached and died, a place surounded by Italian, and Sicilian, the Holiest Book to the Catholic Church is in Latin? But the Latin Kings dont look like the white people of the Vatican? And the O.T. God said he was gonna make the Israelites a Kingdom of Priests, a Holy Nation, but the Torah, by Moses was not Latin was it? Did Moses and his people speak Latin?

    And why would thier god, who is good friends with the Pope, and gave him the title as, Holy father, Nd the priests were allowed to be called father too? So thier god wants the Latin language?

    So why is thier Holy Bible Latin?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago