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  • Can I collect unemployment if....?

    So, I've been employed with a third party company of sprint since September and I live and work in Indiana. In April, they had be and another coworker work at the sprint store inside RadioShack since both companies merged. Ever since, I've been set up to fail. Since our systems run differently than our regular stores, I understandably have some questions. However, my questions fall on deaf ears. Only when I mess up do I get any kind of response, and even so, it's done through my coworker, whom the management is happy to help, and they encourage her to micro manage me, although she's even newer than I am. I have been accused of things that aren't true, and without these questions answered by management who would know about the problems I have and not my coworker, I'm unable to make sales. I get passive aggressive behavior from multiple people in the company, and my boss allowed a coworker to steal from me and get away with it while I get punished for defending myself, always professionally of course. Well, I have had enough, not to mention I can't afford the gas to get to my job now, a two hour drive, at starting wage. I had to put in my two weeks. My hours were cut from 40 hours to about 31 hours. My boss discounted my acomplishments and high sales numbers, claiming she wants to see what I can do, and without my boss's help, which is a

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • My dog is afraid of hard flooring! Refuses to walk on them. Help!!!?

    It started when a picture frame fell off our kitchen walls one day when my dog was in the kitchen. My dog didn't get hit by it but boy, did it freak him out! Ever since then, my dog refuses to step very far onto the hardwood floor of the kitchen and at best, will only make it as far as hiding under the kitchen table that's close to the entrance. I know it's the hard flooring because he acts the same in the bathroom which also has hard flooring. I've read and seen that putting out area rugs and runners are supposed to help the dog overcome this problem, but he refuses to even use the rugs I set out! Even if he did use them, I'd want to eventually ween him off them. I don't want it to be a band aid, i want to fix it, and i don't want to have to have runners everywhere for the rest of his life. Any help would be appreciated!

    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago