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Favourite answers10%
  • Political Symbols?

    What is the history behind the donkey and elephant symbols for the Republican and Democratic Party?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Virtual memory increasing?

    I have a lot of music files stored on my computer and when i download stuff it says my virtutual memory is increasing. what does this mean and it it bad because i don't want my computer becoming slow. also is there anyway to make it decrease?

    7 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Study Skills?

    How can I study better so that my grades improve? Right now i'm 72 out of 602 freshman this year but i need to get my rank up. I'm in the top 15% but i want to be higher. Any tips please?

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Ripping online streaming video?

    Ok so I have Firefox and I want to be able to rip/download a movie from streaming video found on various websites. I have Download helper and Unplug but every time I try to download them it never is usable for my ipod. Is there any other program out there that makes easier to do this? The add-ons I talked about I don't really know how to use. Can some help me by telling me step-by step how to rip the streaming video or give me another program? DownloaderHelper has a help to use but it didn't help me.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago