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  • Have I got fleas or some kind of infestation in my bed/house?

    Hello, this sounds awful:

    I woke up about a fortnight ago (after going to Thorpe Park) with nasty bites on my ankles, and symmetrically up my leg. At first I thought they were normal insect bites as we went on the hottest day of the year so far. For a couple of days after, I woke up with more bites, on my arms, and a large one on my neck. By large, I mean maybe the size of two capital letters BB, or a little larger, in square diameter. These were very itchy and nasty.

    Since, I've had one or two bites (although I have been outside a lot, I notice them only when I wake up). These have been much smaller, and only little welts that weren't as itchy. I've stripped my bed, washed my bedclothes and the sleeping bag I was in the night after Thorpe Park, washed a lot of my clothes. I haven't been able to hoover because it's broken.

    I haven't had any bites for a while, but I seem to be itching all the time, even when wearing clean clothes, especially when I get into bed. I've searched my bed with a small torch, I can't see anything big enough to be a bed bug. I cannot work out whether it is my imagination or not.

    I'm a student, I have no animals and the only theory I've got is that I picked up something from the water rides at the theme park. It's driving me mad, though. Could anyone tell me what the likelihood is I've got some kind of infestation? If not, anything else that might cause me to itch? If so, how do I deal with it?

    Sorry, quite a lot there.

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • When referring to Her Majesty the Queen in the third person, is it proper to capitalise words such as 'Her'

    I'm wondering, when talking about The Queen, whether or not it's proper to capitalise 'Her'. Not just in Her Majesty, but if I were to say, 'Her Majesty is very kind to Her subjects.' Or is it: 'Her Majesty is very kind to her subjects.'

    In the same way that we capitalise His or He when referring to God.

    Also, if this is correct, does it apply to all monarchs or only to The Queen?

    I've searched but can't find an answer. Thank you!

    6 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago