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A game suggestion?
so recently my dad wanted to get into gaming but i couldn't decide what he can play since he is gonna play video games for the first time in his life
any suggestions?note:for console (xbox one)
thank you!
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games3 weeks agomy friend and ı got in a fight over about Playstation 3?
he says the amount of storage you have in a ps 3 effects the fps you get in a game, for example I have a ps 3 that has 120 gb of storage and ı play fifa 15 he says in a 120 gb youll get 30-40 while in a 500gb youll get 60-70 (its an example) but ı say it is wrong they will both have the same fps whick one of us is true???
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games2 years ago