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What happened to my sister's Yahoo account?
My sister randomly got logged out, her browser wasn't updated, she didn't clear cache or data, or anything like that. She tried to log in, she knows exactly what her email is. But it said that they didn't recognize it. She swears she knows her email. So she tried to make a new account with the same username and it said it was taken. She tried again a few times, and it said the same thing. What the hell is going on? Why can't she f uckin log in? Also when she pressed "forgot username" it said oops bla bla bla. I doubt her account got suspended.
Other - Internet2 months agoWhat weird food combos do you like?
I like onion dip on ginger snaps tehee
7 AnswersOther - Entertainment2 months agoDo you pronounce it (pecan) like PEE-CON or PEE-CAN?
I pronounce it PEE-CAN cause its pure southern American English. People who pronounce it PEE-CON must be from somewhere else
9 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 months agoWhat does "no homo" mean?
2 AnswersLanguages2 months agoPoll/quiz what's this song without cheating?
"I appreciate the way you want me I can't lie..."
Polls & Surveys2 months agoWhat's wrong with me?
Back in 2018 I heard the song "My Boo" by Usher. That sound that goes throughout the whole song or if that is back up singers, that part of the song makes me extremely anxious, and it's not anything generally scary, but that particular sound makes me scared and anxious, and I've been trying for years to forget about it but I can't. What's wrong with me? Everytime I think about it, I just have a anxiety attack and I cry?!?!
Lyrics2 months agoPoll: What is your dream country / state / city?
My dream locations:
Italy - A beautiful country I wanna visit
Canada - I would love to move here because Its another English speaking country.
Los Angeles - Its a very beautiful city I might move to
Las Vegas - Seems like a very fun place!
South Dakota - where I mainly plan on moving because of how peaceful it is
France - They eat a lot of pastries which I love
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 months ago[read desc] what's wrong with my Shein website whenever I click an item?
It shows that no matter what item I click and I've waited 29 minutes and it still showed that. I reloaded multiple times, I restarted my computer, cleared cookies in browsing history, tried x-ing out the site and opening a new tab. Nothing works. What's wrong?
1 AnswerGoogle2 months agoI'm depressed as f***. Can someone say the nicest thing you can think of to me? I need positivity in my life right now. ?
I'd really appreciate it. Please? 👉🏻👈🏻
1 AnswerPsychology2 months agoI have been insecure about my body for 7 years now (since I was 7 in 2014) read description...?
And I watch body positivity tiktoks and the people in the videos are either plus size or have perfect toned bodies, an nothing, absolutely NOTHING has worked not 1% to boost my body confidence and I feel like I'm getting even more insecure. I feel like a slight amount has to do with me comparing myself to others, but I've been doing that since I was 4. That's just how I am and nothing has been able to change that. But comparing myself to others isn't too much of the problem cause when I look at myself I don't think about anyone. I just don't like how I look an have extreme trouble teaching myself that my body is beautiful. (My description: short, underweight and skinny, hasn't been able to gain weight, bloated tummy, has cellulite.) Those were just some of the things I have been insecure about since I was able to be self conscious about my body. I just want to know: why have I been so insucure before I even started puberty?!?!? Why is nothing helping? (Btw I've learned to stop comparing myself to others)
2 AnswersPersonal Finance2 months agoI want to insert a picture and ask if I'm pretty but read description...?
I've seen people do it and everybody was saying stuff like "your not drop dead gorgeous" or even "no" but I am extremely sensitive mentally/emotionally and I don't take construction criticism or things that aren't meant to hurt but are true very well and I'm afraid the answers will traumatize me. Yes, if someone say something like anything above or similar I will get traumatized. Help me get over this pls.
3 AnswersPsychology2 months agoHelp! I had a crazy dream that is in no way related to real life for me (read description) Why?
So my dream was longer but there's this part that bothers me and I don't understand why I had it. So I was in my room getting my stuff ready to go back to my dad's house. And there's this random long board in a section of my room (not in my real life room) and I look behind it, my mom said don't touch those with a sneaky smirk on her face. I knew what they were but I acted like I didn't know and I asked my mom to see what she said an she still had that nervous looking smirk on her face. They were sexual vibrators in many different colors. Then my mom told me to take one an she just put one in my bag. I was shook. Why?!?!?!? What the heck were hundreds of sexual vibrators doin in my bedroom in a dream?!?
1 AnswerDream Interpretation2 months agoCan I live with my mom? Read description for the full story.?
I'm a 13 year old girl with 2 divorced parents. They have been divorced for almost 4 years now. Ive decided I wanna live with my mom. My mom promised me that when I am 16/17 yrs old, I can choose which parent I wanna see more often. Currently I see my dad Monday-Friday and other weeks monday-thursday. I see my mom on the weekend. I see my mom just over 100 times a year. I want to live with her instead because my mom is not strict and I get to be myself at her house. At my dad's, I have to be what he wants me to be or else I will get in trouble. My dad said I *probably* could choose to see 1 parent more often when I'm 18 and I was pissed af. Can I permanently live with my mommy when in 16? And btw, I know about what the law says.
2 AnswersFamily2 months agoHow come when a man takes off his shirt, he's considered hot and sexy, but when a woman takes off her shirt, she's considered a slut/whore?
This makes no f*cking sense. And I support "free the nipples"
7 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months agoWhy is north Carolina so unpopular?
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration2 months agoGive me your honest opinion on this name: Victoria.?
2 AnswersBaby Names2 months agoWhy does it seem to me like 4th graders are way less mature than people who were 4th graders just a few years ago?
My brother is now in the 4th grade and he acts like a second grader. He doesn't know what sex is, and he I very childish. My brother and I are almost identical and we share most genes. When I was in 4th grade, I was very mature, which seems to be the complete opposite in his case. My brothers friends are also immature.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education2 months ago