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What is the religious objection to Evolution ?
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWho and when first declared the Bible to be "The Word of God" ?
And that everything in it is therefore "True" ?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoJust what is it about today's UK Secondary Schools that makes so many young people dislike them so much.?
Curriculum ? Indvidual lessons ? Teaching methods ? Or what ? (I'm a retired teacher)
6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoWhy is a "Black Hole" so called, when it appears to be the exact opposite ?
As I understand it, any "hole" has to be "in" something, and is therefore "nothing surrounded by something". But a "Black Hole" is the very antithesis of that - a collapsed star, the most intense "something" imaginable, surrounded by "nothing". It cannot therefore be gone "through", but only "onto", and then, because of its intense gravitational pull, escape is impossible, even for light.
4 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years agoAm puzzled by the large number of questions in this section asking about the meanings of words. .?
Why don't the askers just look in a Dictionary ? Every Library has them.
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago