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As a practising Catholic is it wrong to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. ?
I studied the Bible with some Jehovah Witnesses for some 6 months. They spent many weeks trying to convince me they were right and I was wrong and I kept telling them they were misguided.
They did not celebrate Christmas or Easter and told me I followed a false religion and I told them to learn more about the Catholic faith and they would see the errors of their ways. Still I came out with my Catholic faith stronger then before so I guess it was God testing me.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoI like the fact that more women are wearing the mantilla during the Extraordinary form of Latin Mass.?
I think the Mantilla is beautiful and more women should wear them during Latin Mass. Plus I like the fact that Pope Benedict relaxed the rules on saying or singing the Latin Mass. It is beautiful and Latin is not so hard to learn really. Some Catholics I spoke to said it was going back to pre 1962 when people left the church because they could not understand what the priest was saying but I don't agree.What do others think.?
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoIs it ok to have tarot cards.?
I am a Catholic and have been given some cards as a present. IS it a sin to do readings with them.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhat are the different types of singing voices.?
I sing soprano and I know there are different levels of soprano and other voices. How high and low can the human voice go. Can a woman sing bass and a man sing soprano?
2 AnswersSinging8 years agoDo you think Pope Francis is going to be the right man to steer the Catholic Church in the right direction ?
He seems to have very decided views on what is right and wrong. He is a humble man who does but does not seem the kind of man who will put up with a lot of wrongdoing in the Catholic Church.
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoIs Latin making a comeback in the Catholic Church?
We have a lot of Latin Masses in my Church but I have noticed that some churches never seem to have any Latin masses. I think it is a beautiful language and I do not want to see the Latin mass disappear.
Also a lot of the younger priests never seem to say the Mass in Latin and that is a big shame. I would love to know the views of other Catholics please.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoShould all Catholics get the chance to vote for the next Pope.?
I know it is the job of the Cardinals to choose our next Pope but in this day and age, should we all get a vote. Whoever is chosen has a huge and noble task in front of him.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoShould I pray the rosary more then once a day.?
I love saying the Rosary so much that I cannot sleep till I have said it. Should I be saying it more then once a day and the same goes for the Divine Mercy. I say that every day too.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoDo Protestants have respect for our holy Mother, the Virgin Mary.?
In the Catholic Church we venerate the Virgin Mary and the saints but they do not seem to feature so highly in the Protestants churches. I just wanted to know why really. Not trying to cause offence but I am interested.
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoiI love being catholic, why are some people against us?
Csatholism is great but some people say we are pagan. I believe in God and the holy trinity but I also have a great respect for the Virgin Mary too. I say the Rosary every day.
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhy do so many people have a problem with Catholism?
I recently underwent a conversion from being a commited pagan to learning about and becoming a Catholic in less then 6 months. I love it but I have lost a lot of new age friends because of it. Why do we find it so hard to understand each other.?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago