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Basic healthy diet?
I remember looking into a healthy diet a year or so ago. I'm healthy myself. Fit, active, and healthy weight. And in general I eat pretty good. But I saw this basic diet a while ago and I wouldn't mind trying it. I just don't remember what it was! Haha. I remember it being mostly natural fruit and veggies most of the time, with seafood maybe once or twice a month and other meats pretty rarely. Does this sound familiar? I never really paid attention to my eating patterns before just curios to maybe try something to keep myself healthy like I am. Haha. Thank you.
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 weeks agoOutdoor part time jobs for college kids?
Just curious if anyone has any suggestions for part time jobs for college kids that take place primarily outdoors? Not tempt jobs please. I work much better outside from my experiences and wondering about common outdoor jobs that often offer part time work. Thank you!
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 weeks agoGood part time jobs for my anxiety?
I'm a young college student and have social anxiety. I've had a few different jobs and found I work fine with customers but other coworkers are what make me panick. School is number one but I'm broke and need a job to keep up with all my living and school expenses. Any idea for part time jobs where I don't have to work with coworkers very often? Thank you.
Other - Careers & Employment1 month agoWhy won't the accept my Medi-Cal?
I'm looking for a therapist that accepts Medi-cal. I HAVE MEDI-CAL. I HAVE found some that say they accept medi-cal. But, everyone that I've gotten ahold of says they won't accept MY medi-cal. Why might this be? Thank you.
They are all in my state of California, and again, they say they accept medi-cal just not mine.
2 AnswersDental1 month agoWhy won't they take my Medi-Cal?
I am a young adult going to college, living by myself and was just diagnosed with several mental health problems. I found some counselors that give the type of counseling I was recommended and they accept medi-cal, but they said they couldn't take MY medi-cal... I have no clue how this works. Why might they not take my medi-cal? And how could a super broke college kid like me afford the help I need or the insurance to cover it? Am I just screwed?... Thanks for the help.
4 AnswersInsurance1 month agoShould I Exercise before work and school?
I'm 24, in college, work Parr time, and generally healthy. However, the past few years I've been a lot less active than I used to be. And my doctor suggested I start regularly exercising a few days a week. Well there is only one day each week right now that I'm not working or going to school. I have plenty time to exercise in the morning before work and school but should I? Will it be healthy for me or make me tired for the rest of the day? Any suggestions? Thank you.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 month agoWhy do I have trouble waking up?
I'm 24, in college and busy with school and work. I'm relatively healthy. I've always been a natural night owl. 3 or 4 always used to be about the time I went to sleep. But now, I need to get up in the morning. And I've been successful at getting myself to go to sleep on time. Around 11 or 12. But I still sleep in. I get a good constant full night's rest 7 or 8 hours. And my eyes open about 7 or eight hours later. But I feel so tired still when I wake up, I often close my eyes and go back to sleep. Not to rise up finally only an hour or so before work or class. Any idea why a full night constant sleep doesn't feel like enough most of the time for me? And any tips?
Also, some nights on occasion, I can get as little as 5 hours of sleep and feel up active and ready all day long. It's odd.
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 month agoAny job suggestions for a college kid with social anxiety?
Simple. I have severe social anxiety (getting help currently), have a job but panic almost every day interacting with so many people all at once, looking for a part time job that isn't so bad for the socially anxious. Thank you!
9 AnswersMental Health1 month agoCan CBT therapy be done with an online therapist?
I was recently diagnosed with several anxiety issues along with depression. When I was diagnosed it was highly suggested that I try CBT therapy. I've had a hard time looking it up and no therapist near where I live that accept my insurance. No clue what CBT is. Can it we done online? Thank you?
3 AnswersMental Health2 months agoShould I talk to my boss about my mental issues?
I am 24, going to college and work a part time job at a local grocery store. I don't make much but enough to handle my living expenses. For most of my life I've had memory issues, but the past few years other mental issues have come up. I have general anxiety disorder, social phobia, and just learned I have ADHD. I have a simple job, literary, just straightening shelves and cleaning, but my anxiety and memory do make it difficult for me. I need to keep this job but I feel like I've been panicking so much, and making so many mistakes at such a simple job I could be let go. My boss and everyone I work with are actually very nice and kind, but my anxiety still makes me panic when interacting with them. Since my diagnosis do you think it would be helpful ifvI told them of my conditions? Not as an excuse, but maybe some suggestive help at work. I don't know. I need to keep this job but I'm so bloody scared and scatter brained at work....
I am awful helping customers too. They simply as where an item is and with my crappy memory I can't remember. It could literary be right in front of me on the eisle I'm working on and I don't know. Or I won't recognize the name of what they're asking for. Even simple things like milk or bread, I have difficulty remembering often. And that makes me panic...
I'm currently looking for therapy outside to help but still curious if I should bring up my troubles with my boss? Thank you.
2 AnswersMental Health2 months agoDating and socializing tips for socially anxious and awkward young man?
I'm a 24 year old young man. I'm in college and super socially awkward and anxious. I don't drink, smoke, or party (used to, hate it). I have a hard time even making friends. Just looking for some tips for making friends and maybe later a relationship. I basically don't know how to socialize without having a panic attack... any tips are appreciated. Thank you.
Just pretend covid doesn't exist.
Friends2 months agoChanging my work availability to much?
I'm a college kid. I have a part time job that works with a lot of college kids and is really good at working around our schedules but.... my quarter is about to end and I registered for my new classes and put in my new availability and they updated it for me. Well, I got news that one of my classes changed so I had to update my availability again. Still no problem. But now... today, I got news that another one of my classes isn't available and I have to register for another. Do you think my work is gonna be annoyed for me changing my availability a third time in just a month and a half? Crap! I don't know what to do. Any tips? Thank you...
Yes I have to add another course to be a full time student and get certain financial aid.
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)2 months agoCould I have sleep paralysis?
I'm a 24 year old college kid and every once in a while I'll wake up, be able to open my eyes but can't move, or can barely move. It takes what feels like a long time to be able to move. It hasn't happened, thankfully, in a long while time, but just happened and this was the worst It's been that I remember. Seemed to last the longest. It's 3:00 in the morning right now, I was only asleep a few hours and I'm very tired and need to sleep but I'm terrified to go back to sleep. Does this sound like sleep paralysis? If so, any tips? Thank you.
Other - General Health Care2 months agoGood songs about flying, Skydiving, and/or falling?
I'm going skydiving with my little Sis and Pops later this year. Trying to find some appropriate songs to sing and laugh at on our way there.
Already got a few - Tom Petty- Free Fallin', Tim McGraw- Live Like You Were Diein', Sara Evens- Born To Fly, R. Kelly- I Believe I Can Fly, Steve Miller Band- Fly Like An Eagle.
Any other suggestions would be awesome! Haha. Thank you!
7 AnswersR&B & Soul2 months agoHow to get up in the morning?
I'm a natural night owl. 3:00 or 4:00 is my regular time I shut my eyes but lately, with school and work I've been trying to get myself up earlier. I'm fine at going to bed on time, but waking up and getting up is the trouble. I give myself plenty of time to sleep and easily get it. 7-8 hours each night. But still, in the morning I don't want to get up. I usually wake a moment or do before my alarm, make an excuse and turn it off or set it for later. I know, put it away from you, but that doesn't seem to help. I just lay back down. Even when my alarm does go off I seem to hop back in bed after I turn it off....
Any tips or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you!
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care2 months agoDiscovery+ Mythbusters?
Mythbusters is easily one of my favorite shows of all time. I just got Discovery+ and found Mythbusters. Looks like it has most of the episodes, just curious if any are missing, which ones are they? Thank you!
1 AnswerReality Television2 months agoI'm a California resident but work in Oregon. How do I do my taxes?
I'm a college kid from California. I moved to Oregon for school last year. I had a job in California before I moved but got another one once I moved up to Oregon. I have income from two different states. Also, first year I've needed to do my taxes at all so no clue what to do. Any info helps. Thank you.
2 AnswersUnited States2 months agoWhere can I find a bag like this?
Had this bag for about 6 years. Super comfortable, and super simple. Love the way it looks too.. It's gotten pretty warn now though. Looking for as close to this as possible. Haven't found any in local stores and having trouble online too. If you know any site I can find a bag like this on, I'd really appreciate it! Thank you!
Fashion & Accessories2 months agoGood part time jobs for people with ADHD?
Okay, I'm 24 and just transfered to a university for my bachelors. Since highschool I've had tons and tons of jobs that I either quit or got fired from. The longest I held 1 job so far has been 9 months... Most have been cashier and clerk jobs at grocery and stores and shops and I haven't been able to keep any of them! Either I couldn't stand the job or I couldn't keep up. Most of the time both! I only had one job I enjoyed, and it was a summer job a few years ago. I ran a super small snack shop completely by myself. I also have social anxiety. Work fine with customers but panic around other employees or my boss. The only reason I left that job was because it was only a summer job. Not asking about a carreer, just need a part time job to help through college. Any tips for good jobs for socially anxious college kids with ADHD? Haha. Thank you!
Other - Careers & Employment2 months agoGood documentary on butterflies?
I love Butterflies. Looking for any suggestions for documentaries on Butterflies. Thank you!
2 AnswersMovies2 months ago