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Studying Nursing and Working?
Hi I'm thinking of going to uni not this September the one after (2015) but I have a mortgage etc. my husband works full
Time but I work 24 hours per week - is it possible to do a nursing degree as well as working 24 hours per week? (I can work anytime mon - sun 8am -10pm do work hours are flexible. Answers from studying nurses are preferable please x
3 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years agoHow can I help my self harming niece?
I just had my niece around and we were having a girly chat when I noticed a cut on her arm I asked her to show me but she wouldnt eventually I ended up finding many cuts along her wrist. I know it's because she feels unloved at home (her little brother is blue eyed boy and she gets treated unfairly) I can see that easily. Anyway If I ask her to stop she will only continue but I don't know how to convince her she is loved. She told me she thinks I'm the only one who does love her. Today she was upset, she ran to her room, turned off the light and lay under the cover, I gave her a minute then went up and into her room, sat on the end of the bed and opened my arms and she hugged me and cried and got it out. I do little things like that which tells her I love her and I'm there and she is told I love her. Her mum will freak out if I tell her which will only make my niece worse also she refuses to see a counsellor about it (as her mum will be told)... What do I do?
4 AnswersMental Health9 years agoI'm being singled out at work!?
This is a little bit complicated... Asically I have an issue with work but my manager and her boss and the staff reps are all best friends... I work in a bookmakers
Basically I asked for an interview to be entered onto the deputy managers course, I attended and the interview went excellent. the next day I had a phone all to tell me if I was on the course or not. Instead I was told my interview went excellent but there was an issue with my personal hygiene. The boss then went on to say (might I add while I was in the shop in front of customers) that there was a "smell" during the interview and that my shirt was creased. I have since been told by other managers who saw me that day that I looked perfectly presentable and that my perfume was actually rather nice (I used coco Chanel). However I was told that if I wished to go onto the deputy managers course I would be required to wear a blazer as this was what all managers had to do during the course so I accepted it and went out and bought myself a blazer. However I was pleased to her my best friend and colleague had also got onto the same course so I asked her where she was getting her blazer from to which she informed me she didnt have to wear one
After this I asked my manager why I have to wear a blazer and my friend didn't onto to be told it was to hide my creased shirt. I was also told if I didn't wear it I would be kicked off the course!!! So I'm basically being held back from my career! I have never had. Creased shirt to work or ever "smelt" I'm quite a clean person....I told my mangers boss about this only to be told I had to improve m appearance or face disaplinary!!! An invetigation has not been done and he has just gone off what my manager has told him! I feel my manager is doing this as I am very flexible nd help to cover sicknesses and do about 20 or more hours overtime each week but once I am Deputy manager my boss will not be able to make me work over 37.5 hours or put me in to cover sick cashiers which means fom me king the course she will loose a valuable asset to making her job easier (by using me)
I can't talk to anyone about this as I will be messed around in work and I don't know what to do!!! I tried to talk to her but since then work has become horrible and she went bonkers at me :/
3 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years agoI want to get a Rottweiler - how are they with kids.?
At the moment I live with my partner and my teenage nephew, however we want to get a rottweiler but we haven't had any kids yet, are they ok to have and then have kids after wards? Many have said its fine as long as they are socialised and well trained which is possible but what else should i look for in a breeder and what are your stories of having kids when you have an adult rottweiler (I don't think ill have kids for a couple of years yet)
17 AnswersDogs10 years agoOne of my 4 goldfish has clamped fins and the water i tested is fine...whats wrong?
My fish - Marcus- appears to have clampped fins. I researched it and tested the water and everything is normal. which is good. Only one of my fish has clamped fins. the tank according to the pet shop owner is fine to hold at least 10 goldfish. so its not overcrowded.
The tank contains three comet goldfish and 1 common goldfish - which is fine.
hes also lethargic, he lies to 'chill' along the bottom of the tank, it seems like swim bladder so i dropped in some peas but he wont eat them (the other fish enjoyed them though.) however i put some flakes in and he still with clamped fins swam to the top ate some flakes and went back down again! whats wrong with him =[
4 AnswersFish1 decade agoIs a child development gcse pass grade equivelent to the level 2 NVQ?
I am curious as i am applying for jobs. I have a GCSE pass at Child Development. Is that the same as a GNVQ level 2. I am asking this because if you have a health and social care GCSE pass it counts as a NVQ so does child development do the same thing? answers soon please! =]
2 AnswersTeaching1 decade agoHow do I block callers?
I'm from the UK and I have a prank caller on my hands. He calls using a pravate number and I can't stop him from calling me on my mobile.. So how do I just ultimately block private numbers from calling me? I have an O2 phone, please answer soon.
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago