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Jack of many trades (but certainly not all). Master of none. Things I'm good at: C#. SQL (Oracle, lately). JavaScript. Java. Things I was good at, but am maybe a tad rusty: C++, C, ASM. .BAT(yawn) Other stuff I know well enough to get by: VB.NET, PHP, MySQL. HTML/CSS (yawn). Things I used to know and hope never to need again: FORTRAN. VB6. PASCAL.
Is the new Y!A an example of good Programming & Design?
Yahoo has recently reprogrammed and redesigned a number of their web sites, including Yahoo! Answers.
Since this is a forum about software Programming and Design, it seems appropriate to ask if the changes Yahoo! has made is an example of good Programming and Design practices.
Doing a large scale rewrite of a site such at Y!A is not a trivial task. I know this because at my job, we are looking at doing a similar rewrite (but we have far, far fewer users and issues to deal with than Y!A, by several orders of magnitude).
Do you think Yahoo! did a good job with the new design? Did they do a good job with the programming? Did they hit the mark? As a software developer (mostly) and occasional designer, should I study what Y!A did and emulate these design principles on our site? One difference between Y!A and our site is that our customers pay a fee for access. Y!A users do not (other than the adverts.). Would that change the approach?
If you are new here, you can use this link which still uses the old (aka Green) format Y!A:
6 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years agoWhy so many Tumblr questions here?
Just curious, why so many Tumblr questions on this forum?
Most every page on Programming and Design has 1 or 2 (or more) Tumblr questions. That's much higher than other CRM software (Joomla or Wordpress) or social media sites (FB, et. el.).
I don't know much about Tumblr. I've looked at their intro page, saw nothing on there that interested me, so never created an account. we get so many Tumblr questions because it is the *HOT* spot to be? Or is it just that they have no QA forum of their own for users?
If it's really that *HOT*, are they going public? I might want in on that.
If it's just that they don't have any decent QA forums for members, I probably don't want in on that, no matter how hot it is.
So, tell me Tumblr YA! really the best source of information you have? Tumblr itself doesn't have something better? Really????
PS: I'm not complaining here. Tumblr questions fall within Programming and Design, I suppose. The questions are fine here. Just curious about the reason behind the high percantage of them here.
3 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years agoWhy is Toyota hogging my CPU with that Sienna Ad?
My computer seemed a tad sluggish tonight so I brought up task manager to see what was going on. It was running a constant 40% CPU use, and the culprit was Firefox. I had a number of tabs open, so I started closing them 1 by 1. Closing one of the YA! tabs brought it down to 20%. Closing the second took me back to normal.
After mucking around with it for a while, it's definitely that Sienna advert. The stupid Mommy Like/Daddy like ones. They're burning up 20% of the mill, even after the animation is done. WTF?
Same issue in IE. Same issue on an older machine.
Just to verify, I opened firefox, found the advert and deleted it from the DOM. Instant CPU drop.
Anyone else seeing this?
How do you stop this Toyota thing?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago