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Just a U K resident (and proud of it), willing to help ANYONE and EVERYONE.
KIEREN FALLON Ex. Jockey - any good as a tipster ?
Kieren Fallon may have been a good jockey. However, what is he like as a "TIPSTER" ? He is currently asking "Odds to £50" for each winner.
Looking at the past record of retired jockeys as tipsters fills me with anger. Not ONE has managed to make it. Even Lester Pigott Eddie Hyde and many others failed dismally. Have YOU any experience of Fallon as a Tipster ? OR is this just another CON ? Your views please. Many thanks
1 AnswerHorse Racing1 month agoHAS ANYONE HAD ANY DEALINGS WITH RIX BETS.?
I keep getting E Mails from this bod. He claims MEGA WINS - but are they true ?
He seems to run many different schemes . Is he genuine - if so why does he not back the horses himself and save ££££s on his adverts. All views would be helpful.
IS HE AN ACE CON MAN ??? Maybe not !!!!
Marriage & Divorce2 months agoHAS ANYONE HAD ANY DEALINGS WITH RIX BETS.?
I keep getting E Mails from this bod. He claims MEGA WINS - but are they true ?
He seems to run many different schemes . Is he genuine - if so why does he not back the horses himself and save ££££s on his adverts. All views would be helpful.
IS HE AN ACE CON MAN ??? Maybe not !!!!
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 months agoANYONE HAD DEALINGS WITH CANONBURY PUBLISHING. Seems to good to be true !!!!?
Over the past few weeks I have been inundated with E Mails from the above Co. promising up to £5,000 a month from a scheme which they will operate for you, The fee is a mega £2,999 for their tuition fees. There is a money back guarantee.
Interested to know what others think. Comments appreciated.
4 AnswersCorporations2 months agoFACE MASKS. What does BFE 95% mean?
On a pack of face masks I see BFE 95%. What does it mean. Is it a safety rating .
or whatever ? THANKS if you can help.
4 AnswersPersonal Finance3 months agoWhat do I need to install an ALEXA?
Thinking of getting one. Not at all tech. minded, so keep it simple. I do not have a mobile phone, just a P C. Hope someone will help me. THANKS
1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans5 months agoLike an Ante Post bet. Any ideas please. Thanks?
HORSE RACING. What is your best bet for Boxing Day chase at Kempton.
1 AnswerHorse Racing6 months agoCHEMOTHERAPY. Side effects?
Starting mine next week. Any tips, any help appreciated. What side effects did you have ? THANKS
6 AnswersCancer9 months agoCORONAVIRUS . VOLUNTARY ISOLATION.?
If we all go into isolation. Which will increase the most
THE BIRTH RATE ........... OR ....... THE DIVORCE RATE ?
Your views please. Thank you. and STAY SAFE.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 year agoCORONAVIRUS and TOILET ROLLS?
WHY has there been such a run on TOILET ROLLS since the outbreak ?
What is the connection ?
One reason put forward was "When one person gets the coronaviris - then 99 other people decorate their pants (I am trying to be polite).. What are YOUR views ?
5 AnswersCurrent Events1 year agoHELP WITH ALEXA PLEASE?
Just purchased a Mini version. I am not technically minded - so how do I set it up and what do I need.
Please keep answers simple .....
THANKS so much.
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 year agoRACING TIPSTER. HARRY BOWLES?
Has anyone heard of this tipster. Sent me an e mail yesterday with a free bet.
It WON at 16-1. Now he is asking \round £200 for 12 months bets.
Is he genuine ? Any comments appreciated.
1 AnswerHorse Racing2 years agoALEXA. Thinking of getting one. I am not a tech. person. What do I need to operate Alexa?
Please help. Is it difficult to set up. Thank you.
I love the Flat season. Has anyone out there any tips for the first big flat race, The Linclon on Saturday.. 24th. March.
Many thanks
2 AnswersHorse Racing3 years agoCROSSWORD SOLUTION REQUIRED?
Many thanks. Really stuck.
4 AnswersHomework Help3 years agoCROSSWORD ANSWERS PLEASE?
Valuable and possibly crude source of
energy. PXXRXXXXM.
Hothead of considerable eminence, naturally. XXLXAXX
Many thanks. Stuck on these 2.
2 AnswersChemistry3 years agoCROSSWORD ANSWER THE LAST ONE.?
The very last clue. I have tried lloads of websites, with NO answer.
correctness, propriety. 7 letters
Now it is over to YOU. Thanks for your help.
1 AnswerTrivia3 years agoCROSSWORD ANSWERS PLEASE?
Just 2 to go.
correctnesss. -E-E-T- (7 letter
risk everything. 2,3,5. ---O-B-O-E
1 AnswerTrivia3 years ago