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  • Physics problem?

    Albertine finds herself in a very odd contraption. She sits in a reclining chair, in front of a large, compressed spring. The spring, with spring constant k = 95.0 N/m , is compressed 5.00 m from its equilibrium position, and a glass sits 19.8 m from her outstretched foot.

    Assuming that Albertine's mass is 60.0 kg , for what value of μk, the coefficient of kinetic friction between the chair and the waxed floor, does she just reach the glass without knocking it over? Use g = 9.80 m/s2 for the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity.

    Thank you sooooo much for any help you can give... ( - . - u )  ty

    1 AnswerPhysics1 year ago
  • Multi-part physics problem... plz help?

    The question is:

    A girl of mass m1=60.0 kilograms springs from a trampoline with an initial upward velocity of vi=8.00 meters per second. At height h=2.00 meters above the trampoline, the girl grabs a box of mass m2=15.0 kilograms. (Figure 1)

    (For this problem, use g=9.80 meters per second per second for the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity.)

    a) What is the speed vbefore of the girl immediately before she grabs the box?

    b) What is the speed vafter of the girl immediately after she grabs the box?

    c) What is the maximum height hmax that the girl (with box) reaches? Measure hmax with respect to the top of the trampoline.

    3 AnswersPhysics1 year ago
  • Physics help?

    The hw problem is as follows:

    Froghoppers may be the insect jumping champs. These 6-mm-long bugs can spring 70 cm into the air, about the same distance as the flea. But the froghopper is 60 times more massive than a 12-mg flea. The froghopper pushes off for about 4 mm.

    Determine the average force that the froghopper exerts on the surface.

    Any ideas how to solve this??

    1 AnswerPhysics1 year ago
  • Spring kinetics physics problem?

    In a popular new hockey game, the players use small launchers with springs to move the 0.0030-kg puck. Each spring has a 120-N/m spring constant and can be compressed up to 0.020 m.

    Determine the maximum speed of the puck.

    2 AnswersPhysics1 year ago
  • Physics HW help?

    A car skids 30 m on a level road while trying to stop before hitting a standing car in front of it. The two cars barely touch. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the first car and the road is 0.90.

    Determine the initial speed of the skidding car.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!

    1 AnswerPhysics1 year ago
  • When to use takusan vs. takusan no?

    I am a year three student of japanese and I had always learned that "takusan neko ga iru" was a completely acceptable sentence as were "takusan hito wo benkyou shiru" and "takusan hon wo yonda," but recently, while searching for other grammar help, I stumbled upon that idea that "no" may have to be used. I was wondering if anyone knows if and when "no" should be used between "takusan" and the noun it describes WHEN takusan comes before its noun? Thanks!

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • Why does it matter if we have free will?

    Isn't life still amazing? idk ive always seen life like a book. it's all written already (i dont belive we have free will) but reading it is what makes it worthwhile. I just don't understand why people are convinced that we'll all commit crimes if we find out there isn't free will because its still my life and i want to have fun and be happy not get put in jail. Do you get what I'm saying?? Am I the only one who feels this way?

    12 AnswersPhilosophy6 years ago