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Lv 31,898 points

C. Lo

Favourite answers29%
  • Does anyone know the name of this 80's cartoon action figure?

    There was a 4" tall die cast action figure that I had somewhere between 85-87. She had short black hair (styled kinda like Wolverine), wore a pink jumpsuit, had a silver gas mask with a yellow oxygen tank. She also had a green plastic jewel thing that was caged (like one of those construction lights) in her chest. I've been searching every retro cartoon action figure website with no results...if anyone knows the name of the cartoon and/or the character's name along with a link to the photo of the action figure or cartoon character that would help me out a lot.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Dumb Tattoo Questions?

    When will tattoos stop being trendy so dumb people with crappy fake tribal flash art stop taking up all the space in tattoo shops?

    15 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago