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Can you rate my deck?
Suggestions would be nice. I've been using it a bit, and it's won most of my games,but it's a bit weak against decks with lots of spells and traps, so do you have suggestions of how to change that?
1 Malefic Stardust Dragon
1 Endymion, The Master Magician
3 Hardened Armed Dragon
3 Earthbound Linewalker
3 Nimble Momonga
2 Infernity Beetle
2 Earthbound Immortal - Aslla piscu
2 Earthbound Immortal Uru
3 Battle Fader
2 Mystic Plasma Zone
3 Raregold Armor
1 Reasoning
1 Soul Exchange
2 Mausoleum of the Emperor
2 Field Barrier
2 Fires of Doomsday
2 Magical Citadel of Endymion
3 Earthbound Whirlwind
2 Earthbound Revival
3 Sakuretsu Armor
2 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
3 Earthbound Wave
2 Roar of the Earthbound Immortal
Extra DECK
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Hundred-Eyes Dragon
4 AnswersCard Games8 years ago