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Favourite answers9%
  • Female dog name ideas?

    I'm getting a small, light brown dachsund mix female dog... very quiet/mellow personality. Any name ideas? Preferably two syllables. Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Grammar question: "Is" or "Are"?

    I'm not sure whether to use "is" or "are" in a sentence. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

    Developing and maintaining these sytems is the responsibility of management.

    Developing and maintaining these systems are the responsibility of management.

    Thanks for your help!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Correct grammar when using percentage changes in a table?

    If I have a table displaying data showing the percentage change in the number of apples at 12/31/11, versus 12/31/10, with zero apples at 12/31/10 and two apples at 12/31/11, what should show as the percentage change from 12/31/10 to 12/31/11.... 100%, 0%, or a slash " - " symbol? When I do this in Excel, it gives me an error message of #DIV/0! instead of a percentage calculation.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Which of these names for my new female kitten?

    Which of these names do you like for my new female kitten?






    Other ideas welcome, but I'm leaning toward the above. Thanks!

    20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What would be on your bucket list if you were a terminally ill cat?

    My cat was diagnosed with non-effusive FIP a couple days ago with a very bad prognosis of a few weeks or so to live. Her blood work and symptoms are all in line with the disease. I'm very devastated to lose her. She's only 10 months old and such a sweet, beautiful cat. I'd really like to make the time I have left with her while she's still functional and not in pain special, so I'm trying to think of what types of things a cat would want to do in their life before dying kind of like a "bucket list." All I've done so far is let her drink milk and whatever she wants to eat, which isn't really a treat since she has no appetite due to the illness. She's not really into toys anymore either. She's very scared of riding in the car or going outside, so I'm limited to what I can do for her. Does anyone have any ideas what kind of things a cat would like?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How to get my cat with a fever to eat?

    My cat has not eaten in 5 days. She caught a cold from my other cat and has had a rising temperature the last couple days that is up to 104.8 now. I have been taking her to the vet every day and she is continuing to get treatment there daily (antibiotic shots and fluid injections). However, I am wondering if anyone has any tricks for how they got their sick cats to eat? I've tried canned foods, tuna, etc. and she turns away everything. I just don't want the lack of eating to further worsen her condition. Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My new kitten keeps sneezing... how to treat?

    I got a 3 mth old kitten two days ago and her rescue foster mother told me she had just gotten over a runny eye and had been taking medication, but she thought she was fine now. Her eye has been fine, but she's been sneezing quite a bit for the past two days ever since I got her. Will a cold go away on it's own or does she need to go back on meds?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Nice restaurants in LA with live music, jazz?

    Hi. Does anyone know of any nice, upscale restaurants in the Los Angeles area that have live music or entertainment, maybe jazz or something that would be a good place for a group of 10 on a week night? All ideas are greatly appreciated. I'm considering the Vibrato Grill Jazz in Bel Air. Has anyone tried it or have any other suggestions? Thanks!

    4 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Any nice restaurants/ karaoke bars in Los Angeles?

    Hi. Does anyone know of any nice, more upscale restaurants in the LA area... especially any that offer karaoke? I am trying to plan an event for 10 of my co-workers (we are in our 20's and 30's) from my accounting firm. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    7 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Please give opinions on these girl names?

    These are some girl names I like. Which do you like/dislike? Please rate each one as "good", "ok", or "bad." (I'm not pregnant. These are just names I'm thinking about for in the future and want to see what people think of them.)



















    61 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Opinions on these girl names?

    These are my favorite girl names. Please separate them into "good", "ok", and "bad." Thank you. Middle name suggestions welcome.


















    98 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Opinions on these boy names?

    These are my favorite boy names. Please separate them into "good", "ok", and "bad." Thank you.













    I'm not pregnant, but these are the names I'm thinking about using in the future, so I'd love your feedback. Any comments and middle name suggestions are welcome.

    39 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Rate these boy names?

    These are my favorite boy names. Which do you like/dislike? If you could copy/paste the list and give each a 1-10 rating and/or comment that would be great. Please base your rating on the FIRST name only and if you hate the middle name switch it to something you like. Thanks everyone!

    Colin Pierce

    Trevor Gage

    Joshua Brady

    Nolan Reed

    Tanner James

    Samuel Joseph

    Travis Scott

    Brandon James

    Devin Bradley

    Griffin Samuel

    You can also vote on my boy name poll here:

    32 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Rate these girl names?

    These are my favorite names for a girl. Which are your favorites? Which do you dislike? If you could copy and paste the list and give each a 1-10 rating and/or comment that would be greatly appreciated.

    Lila Arielle

    Cara Lillian

    Tara Lillian

    Kayla Michelle

    Kacey Michelle

    Lacy Rochelle

    Laura Christine

    Laina Gabrielle

    Cindy Olivia

    Angela Rochelle

    36 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Favorite spelling of Casey?

    I like the name Casey for a girl, but I am wondering if that isn't a good spelling since it's the one used for a boy also. What spellings of it for a girl do you like? I can think of Cacee, Kasey, Kacee, Kasie. Which is your favorite or any other spelling suggestions. Also, which first/middle combo is better: Casey Michelle or Casey Lynn?

    27 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the name Valerie Kristine?

    Do you like the name Valerie Kristine? What do you think about it?

    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago