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Lv 2423 points


Favourite answers59%
  • No blood in pee but his liver is still hurting him. should he go to the E.R?

    My friend got into a car accident the other day, complained his right side was hurting him. he went to the doctors today. its been 2 days since the accident. the doctors recommended he go to the e.r. mind you my friend never went there to begin with. he didnt take his doctors advice. He had no blood in his urine but hes still complaining of the pains.....what should he do.

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • verizon $30 data plan?

    does the required $30 data plan cover unlimited texting, 3g access and such for 1 line?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Rate my Monarch Synchro Deck! ^_^?

    rate my monarch synchro, 1-10.

    suggest cards and what not, but the synchros i plan on getting are :

    Stardust x2

    Red dragon

    Black Rose x2


    Monsters (21)

    Caius the Shadow Monarch x3

    Mobius the Frost Monarch x2

    Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x2

    The Tricky

    Dekoichi Battlechanted Locomotive x3

    Gravekeepers Guard

    Gravekeepers Spy x2


    Krebons x2

    Psychic commander

    Dark Resonator

    Treeborn Frog

    Penguin Soldier

    Spells (15)

    Emergency Teleport

    Heavy Storm

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Giant Trunade

    Swords of Revealing Light

    Monster Reborn

    Lightning Vortex

    Smashing ground


    Soul Exchange x3

    Brain Control

    Allure of Darkness x2

    Traps (6)

    Threatening Roar x3

    Compulsory Evacuation Device x2

    Torrential Tribute

    Synchro (6)

    Colossal Fighter

    Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth

    Psychic Lifetrancer x2

    Magical Android

    X Saber Urbellum

    4 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Tell me what you think about this deck?

    i think its great, much better, its a monarch synchro.

    Monsters (20)

    Caius the Shadow Monarch x3

    Mobius the Frost Monarch x2

    Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x2

    Cyber Dragon

    Dekoichi Battlechanted Locomotive x3

    Gravekeepers Guard

    Gravekeepers Spy x2


    Krebons x2

    Psychic commander

    Dark Resonator

    Treeborn Frog

    Spells (15)

    Emergency Teleport

    Heavy Storm

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Giant Trunade

    Swords of Revealing Light

    Monster Reborn

    Lightning Vortex

    Smashing ground


    Soul Exchange x3

    Brain Control

    Allure of Darkness x2

    Traps (6)

    Threatening Roar x3

    Compulsory Evacuation Device x2

    Torrential Tribute

    Synchros (6)

    Colossal Fighter

    Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth

    Psychic Lifetrancer x2

    Magical Android

    X-Saber Urbellum

    rate 1-10

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Help me with my yugioh deck!!!?

    57 cards i believe i really want to remove to have around 45-50

    i dont have much to add so just help me remove or give suggestions to add... thanks

    8 Synchro: Road Warrior

    Colossal Fighter

    Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth

    Magical Android

    Junk Warrior (3)

    X-Saber Urbellum

    32 Monsters: Charcoal Inpatchi


    Mystic Swordsman LV2

    Penguin Soldier

    Magna Drago (2)

    Quillbolt Hedgehog (2)

    Tune Warrior

    X-Saber Airbellum

    Spirit Reaper


    Junk Synchron (2)

    Marauding Captain (2)

    Trap Eater

    X-Saber Galahad

    X-Saber Anu Piranha

    DD Warrior Lady

    UFO Turtle

    Mystic Tomato

    Road Synchron

    Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

    Mystic Swordsman LV4

    Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World

    Goblin Attack Force (2)

    Mystic Swordsman LV6

    Dark Driceratops

    Mobius the Frost Monarch (2)

    14 Spell: The Warrior Returning Alive

    Synchro Boost

    Mystical Space Typhoon


    Emergency Provisions

    Monster Reborn

    Tribute to The Doomed (2)

    Fighting Spirit

    Horn of The Unicorn

    Heavy Storm

    Double Summon

    Reinforcement of The Army (2)

    10 Trap: Negate Attack

    Gravity Bind

    Gottems Emergency Call

    Magic Jammer

    Raigeki Break

    Magic Drain

    Threatening Roar

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Scrap Iron Scarecrow (2)

    2 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • If i download CoD4 from a torrent will i be able to play online?

    or do i need a keygen/serial key to play online

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago