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Lv 42,549 points


Favourite answers7%
  • Christians: why do you wear the Cross?

    Hey. this may seem harsh but sorry. ):

    I see that Christians but crosses inside their homes or around their necks.

    For an example : if a robe was used to strangle your father that you love to death will you wear it around your neck? Or a knife if it was used to kill someone you love.

    Since you love Jesus and you claim he was killed on a Cross then you should be ashamed of it , not wearing what killed your God that you love? I just don't get it.

    Best Regards.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Question about Christmas.?

    hey and happy Christmas for you all since Christmas is coming.

    I am trying to make this as friendly as I can , now let's get to the question

    I am not christian but I wonder why do you celebrate Christmas?

    since the new year day is the day Jesus was born? according to the Gregorian calendar that we

    all use? and Christmas is the day Jesus was born at.

    sorry if i bothered someone,but I am super curios

    And thank you.

    2 AnswersChristmas7 years ago
  • can a god die?cover his face with dirt?stay in the ground for more than one day?

    jesus is a god right??

    that's what you say but the point is:

    stay in the ground for 3 days

    his face covered by dirt?

    and if he died he is not a god

    because who killed him is stronger and no one is stronger than the god

    so he is a human

    how can he let them kill him that's a shame for him a god die by dirty humans?

    why didn't he stop him he created them he should stop them

    and he can just forgive people with just"ok i will forgive you all"

    if he was a god so he knows what will happen and he said it will happen and he was punished for what he did?

    what do you say about that?

    note: we love our prophet jesus more than anything

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • 72 women in heaven for muslims men?

    our prophet Mohamed didn't say that

    or allah in the Qur'an

    why do you say that is true

    if you didn't find a mistake in the islam you just make one

    if you didn't make you should not believe that

    and that is an example of the thing that is wrong made about islam

    what do think about this??

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • i have the evidence that Islam the truth...?

    I will give you just 2 things as a proof:

    1-that the arabians that lives in the desert will have the highest buildings in the world

    2- that the daughter will not listen to her mom and tell her that she is a bad mom

    happens in the all of the world

    but not alot with muslims

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • why non muslims creates some words allah didn't say in the Qur'an?

    and you know the Qur'an never changed since mohammad and never will

    in alot of questions some body say look what allah wrote in the Qur'an

    and it don't exists?

    i just don't get how idiots are they?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • what do you say about this video?

    it is Cnn so no lies

    forget about religions do you accept this to happen to anyone

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • why do christians always loose depates with muslims?

    you never ever ever won one and if you won once give me a video please

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • why do you say isalm is the religion of violence?

    if you are talking about bin laden he is a crazy man we don't know his true religion just hiding by the cover of islam and here is some of the other religions acts:

    Israel killed more than 500,000people in Palestine

    the american army killed more than 600,000 civilian in Afghanistan

    the american army killed 150,000 civilian in Hiroshima Japan

    Serbian christians killed alot of muslims in Europ

    The american army killed lots and lots of people in Vietnam

    murders in the west are more than the murders in the islamic countries by more than 10x

    we don't destroy Churches

    and lets don't talk about that the people in some states in America that are afraid of geting out of it's home after 8 o'clock

    answers please

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • how can a dumb person tell a blind person that his father is dead?please answer?

    dumb=can't speak

    blind=can't see

    father is dead

    i don't know the answer

    no one is in there place

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • how do you explain that god doesn't exists?

    who create this whole Universe and creatures including humans plants and animals

    +i want to know the answer with its evidence.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago