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Singles & Dating


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    How do I tell my boyfriend I don't want to kiss him anymore?

    I feel like kissing him is for 13 year olds.  We're 28.  We have made out everyday from 2:15-2:30 PM, and again from 8:30-9:30 PM.  This has occurred for the past 5 years. Instead of switching up our times, I want to stop kissing him forever.  It's never felt magical.  It's on my to-do list under doing the dishes.  

    26 Answers2 weeks ago
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    A random guy at the street came to me and talk to me and he also add me at that dangerous?

    Favourite answer:

    He was trying to figure out how to kidnap you for organ harvesting, you’re only good for parts.

    We know you haven’t had much experience with actual men being interested in you but that’s not how they behave.

    22 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Can you really be too pretty for a dating site?

    I've been told I'm "too pretty to be on here" or "what are you doing on here you're beautiful" on every dating site I go on, wtf does that mean? I am 22 and don't think I'm pretty at all but everyone else thinks just from one pic I am, and even though i get flooded with messages there are always some who don't think I'm real just cos of my looks

    Also people like my profile but when i match back with them they never talk to me?

    27 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Which woman should I marry of these three?

    my height 5.9", straight forward nature, age 32, virgin.

    woman-1: height 5" short, nonvirgin, good face, age 29

    woman-2: height 5.3" good, non virgin, face not good, age 29

    woman-3: height 5.1" ~, virgin, face good, age 25 very less.

    35 Answers2 weeks ago
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    This girl who like me thinks I’m cute but she has a bf?

    Should I mention her bf in the convo or should I not give a f and jus pull her?

    16 Answers2 weeks ago
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    I'm 40 and still can't find love?

    I am 40 year old female, still a virgin and my whole life - everytime I meet someone it goes wrong. I seem to meet them either online or IRL and i date them/we chat for 2 to 3 months - then something will happen, they have to move away, they find someone else, ghost on me or stop talking too me as much. This has happened again to me recently and i can't take it anymore. WHY cant i even get into the stage of having a relationship with men? They seem to say how much they like me at first and seem into me then SOMETHING ALWAYS HAPPENS!!! Why is everyone else able to have a relationship in their life but for me, it ALWAYS gets ripped away? Im so sad and upset :-(

    17 Answers2 weeks ago
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    i'm a 35 year old virgin male and i scheduled an appointment with a escort. will i finally feel better about myself once i lose my v card?

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    i disagree with some of these answers. I'm 22 and personally I couldn't bare the thought of being in your position (no offence) so to cope at 19 i started seeing escorts on a regular. just to sort of get used to a somewhat sex life? you have to realise that's all it is. sex. like literally putting your pants on. people just get used to it and don't think about it after a while. thats why people are saying you'll be highly disappointed in your experience. especially if you get nervous nor hesitant in the activity of your first time especially at that age. you have no idea how you'll perform or what you'll actually like or don't like in reality. you'll learn that the hard way but escorts are a necessary in my opinion if you have never have had sex. not because you are entitled to it but for your mental health. this is why i strongly support sex workers who are passionate about it

    19 Answers3 weeks ago
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    How to fix a sensitive penis?

    8 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Why do older people 40 and over still date?

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    Why wouldn't they date?  Not everyone over 40 is married and there are reasons they wait to get married; career, travel, or they haven't found the right one.  40 is considered young now and they have many years left.  Lastly, people enjoy their single lives too.

    7 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Why am I bored during sex?

    I love my husband, I crave sex with him all the time if we dont end up having sex when we want to due to other life priorities preventing us from it both of us think it sucks but then when we get the chance to we're excited/eager. But then once we're actually having sex no matter how much I'm enjoying it. I feel bored. He's not boring. The sex isn't boring. I want to have sex. But I feel bored.

    8 Answers2 weeks ago
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    at what age do men start to lose their sex drive?

    Favourite answer:

    I'm 83 and still horny as hell.  Use it or lose it.

    6 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Would you break up with someone for not having sex? If so, why?

    I would never do that because for me, a romantic relationship isn't about sex. Of course, it can involve sex, but if it doesn't it's not bad. Sex is more like an addon. Like if you get ice cream with whipped cream. Sex is the whipped cream. It is great but the relationship was already great without it and I'm not gonna refuse some ice cream because it doesn't have whipped cream.

    6 Answers2 weeks ago
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    I’m pregnant and my boyfriend keeps smoking in our home?

    First and foremost I have nothing against marijuana or anyone who does it. I’ve done it twice out of my entire life but stopped because I don’t see the reason why other’s do it. I’m currently expecting and the smell of my boyfriend’s marijuana REALLY makes me feel weak and nauseous. I talked to him about it and asked if he can at least smoke outside but won’t listen. He’ll smoke in our bedroom with the window open but I can still smell it and it makes me throw up every single time. No joke. The smell is now starting to stick on my clothes. Right now I’m suffering from placenta previa & have an 50% of an miscarriage. I know smoke can play a part as well.. advice please? 

    17 Answers3 weeks ago
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    Ex stalking me on social media. What should I do?

    So I dated a woman who turned out to be crazy and materialistic. She looked down on me because I didn't have as much money as she does. I was completely honest with her and told her at the beginning that I couldn't afford to take her on dates or buy her anything material. I told her that I could offer her conversation and listening ear. She told me that she was happy with that and was okay to take the financial lead and pay my way and help me out financially. But a year or so she started to complain about me using her and would bring up things she had done for me. She brought up that I hadn't even bought her a chocolate bar while she was paying my bills. I felt so emasculated. She clearly wants a man to show off with.

    Later in the relationship she started to spy on me, my friends and ex on social media. She would not comment or message just look. I still don't know why. Then out of nowhere she stopped talking to me. No conversation no nothing. I contacted her so many times but no response. After a week or so I stopped. Her social media went really quiet, no posts no updates. It was this way for a few months. But now she is back on it. I have a strong feeling she is watching me but I have no way to prove it so put my page on private. But do you think there is anything else I should do. Should I contact her or message her. 

    What would you do?

    8 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Should I accept this behavior from my boyfriend ? ?

    So last weekend I had a bday celebration  for my birthday at my house....I had invited  my boyfriend Of two years... he always working out of town and a lot of hours. So the times I do spend time with him are only on the weekends. Well that weekend was my celebration party.... my bf came down and I had told him prior about the party. Well that day came, I didn’t hear from my boyfriend.  I kept on calling him to see what time was he coming but no I didn’t hear from him all day.. what made it worse was that I had told my family he was coming and they kept on asking me so I felt so embarrassed coz it was already late... well I was so sad! Anyways the next morning he called me telling me that he was sooooo sorry and that he was asleep all day long at home and he lost track of time.....I accepted this apology however he didn’t even think of stopping by at my house to just see me since he was already going to leave out of town to work agian. 

    40 Answers3 weeks ago