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Lv 42,565 points

katherine g

Favourite answers42%
  • help me find a poem about the trivia of life killing you?

    about 3 months ago someone wanted help on a published poem (not one written by a yahoo-er, I mean).

    The poem was about how it isn't the crises and big moments that 'kill you', it's the day to day horrors, of milk being off, a hole in your pocket, someone being rude unnecessarily ... stuff like that.

    Does this ring any bells with anyone? I loved that poem and wanted to keep it but like a fool I didn't save it. Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • xbox live account problem?

    I have signed up for a new Xbox live 12 month gold account via Xbox Live online on my pc. I used a brandnew Hotmail Windows live account to do it.

    When I log on on my xbox live, my account/gamertag doesn't show up. On my xbox box, it tries to make me create a whole new account and profile and of course BILL me again.

    How do I log in on my xbox console to the new xbox live account I set up using my pc?

    I'm about to throw the whole lot out of the window and read a book instead.

    PLEASE help!!

    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago
  • Give me a quick and easy American pastry recipe.?

    I'm going to a American themed evening and need something to bake for it (that's American). Please Help!!!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Silver Snaffles - did you ever read it?

    Did anyone else read this book? I just remember loving it as a child and its out of print. I want to remember more about it. Anyone?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago